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How to Display Portraits with Frames

There are so many ways to decorate a home with the memories created from a photo sessions!  I have done several posts on decorating kids rooms, decorating with vintage photo displays and decorating with large photos.  Today’s post is all about decorating with framed photos!

Framed photo displays can be hung on a wall or displayed on a bookshelf.  There are many frame styles to choose from and many sizes to use, not to mention mats, double mats or no mats at all.  All of these choices can be stressful!  However, if you follow these simple rules, you will be able to create the perfect framed photo display for your clients home!!

1. Pick a wall!  Long walls down hallways or the wall leading up a staircase make perfect spots for a multi framed photo display.

2. Keep the frames of the same type!  This helps your display look consistent!

3. Vary the size and shape of your frames!  You may think this rule contradicts the above rule but it doesn’t.  Keeping the frames of the same type means same color and same material.  But you can add variety to your display by varying the size and shape of the frames.

4.  Add other items for visual interest.  Adding a wooden ledge will give you another option besides hanging your photos directly on the wall.  You can also frame your child’s artwork or postcards from vacations to add another element to your display.

5.  When framing photos for a display on a bookshelf or table, group the frames together.  Break up your framed photos into small groupings to put on a shelf.  Mix frames with other items such as books to give your bookshelves a classic look.

Here are a few photos for inspiration when planning your framed display.

Photo Credit via Pinterest

Image Courtesy of Google via Pinterest

Image Courtesy of via Pinterest

Image Courtesy of via Pinterest



  1. Adrienne says:

    Thanks Leah! I’m actually in the process of getting a huge collage of framed photos over my couch. So excited about it! 🙂

you said:

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