Then last is the infamous Moustache distortion which is a little of both Pincushion, and Barrel. Barrel in the center and Pincushion in the corners. This distortion appears when using wide angle lenses.
For me, personally, with these photos I need to look close. I don’t have a huge critical eye or you can say I am very forgiving. I think distortion can ultimately make a picture but it has to be appropriate. There are some very critical eyes out there that find a photo unacceptable if there is any distortion. For these people you can correct your photo in photoshop. Another thing you can do is only buy prime lenses or a lens that does not zoom and a camera with a full frame sensor. Prime lenses and full frames don’t always keep the distortion away but it does help. I say try using distortion to your benefit and have fun with it!
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