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Inspire Me Friday Interview #18} Crash Taylor!

Oh gosh!  How do you write an intro for Mr. Interview himself?
Crash Taylor interviews the best of the best photographers from around the world while he himself holds this title and much more.  So what do you say, and how do you go about preparing for an interview with the guru of photography interviews? No pressure right? He is one of the UK’s most in demand wedding photographers and you can truly see why with his gorgeous photos and amazing documentary style!  (Wait till you see the image of the blue suit… I am in LOVE!!) Crash is passionate about his work and family and he really is one of those people that you can tell is an all around good person, the genuine real thing!  So it goes with out saying that we were completely thrilled when Crash agreed to be on the answer side of an interview with Go{4}Pro Photos! We took so much away from his answers and we know you’ll walk away being just as inspired as we are. So grab a snack, curl up with your laptop and enjoy getting to know Crash Taylor, seriously the only way to have made this interview better was if we got to hear his accent! Next time!
Crash, thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us!
Website –
Workshops – here.

Tell us a little bit about Crash.
I’m a husband, father, and photographer who loves spending every free minute with my family.  I lived in Los Angeles for the first 30 years of my life and the last 6 here in the UK.  I’m a passionate perfectionist who loves to excel at everything I do.  I love to travel and explore new places especially with my camera.  Alone time, which is not very often, you will find me on the couch watching a  film/documentary before bed.
How long have you been into photography and how did you get started?
I have been photographing the world and people since 1979 when my father bought me my first (Polaroid) for a trip to Mexico.  A photo of me in Mexico with the Polaroid is on my website on my contact page.  I have had a subsription to National Geographic from the age of 5.  The imagery of the animals and different cultures excited me every month and this is what inspired me to pick up a camera.  The next adventure is going to South Africa to photograph the great white shark.

What’s in your camera bag?

2 Canon 5DMark II’s
Canon 16-35mm 2.8 Mark II
Canon 24-105mm L
Canon 70-200mm 2.8 IS L
Canon 100mm 2.8 IS L Macro
The lovely Sigma 50 1.4
5 Canon Speedlites
Lowel Video Light
Lot’s of Lastolite reflectors
1 Assitant named Jill
Have you ever had anything go wrong at a wedding and if so how did you handle it?
My assistant and I lost a 5 carat Tiffany diamond ring while photographing it with my macro lens.  It’s a long story but eventually I found it without the bride knowing it was missing for an hour.  I have never sweated so much in my life knowing I will be bankrupt if I don’t find it  🙂

Will you briefly describe the Crash-Art workflow?

Workflow is simple.  I edit the images in Lightroom and then export to jpeg.  I then play around with some in Photoshop for the blog.
What has been your most memorable assignment and why?
My first wedding in Marbella, Spain.  You never forget your first wedding.  It was a huge six figure affair but I came across like I have been doing it for years even though I was freaking out.  My wife was my assistant and she kept me calm and relaxed which got me through it.  Thank you babe!  My clients loved the photos and referred me to their friends, which boosted my confidence for the next one.
Do you have an assistant/2nd shooter that accompanies you on wedding assignments?
I do have an assitant who helps me with lighting.  She also keeps me on track during the day as I have a tendency to forget about the timings and group shots  😉
How many images do you average per wedding and how many do you usually present to your clients?
I average 15,000 images per wedding and show the client 14,900.  Only kidding, usually shoot 2000 and show 600.

One way you market Crash Taylor Photography?

Most of my work comes from past clients referring me to their friends.  I also get a lot of enquiries through google.
Is there anything you would’ve done differently in your photographic career?
The business has grown beyond my highest expectations over the last years so I can’t answer the question at the moment.

If you could be invisible for one day with your camera…
I would have loved to document the escape from Alcatraz
Something you’re still learning?

Something you’re saving up for?

A beach house on the coast of Northern California so I can take long early morning walks on the beach with my wife and surf with my son.  That is what life is all about!!!
Any tips, tricks, or advice you can give to our readers?
Constantly experiement with your shooting and post production techniques.  Be different!

Last question, If someone said, “How can I be the next Crash Taylor?” What would you say?
I would say you’re crazy.

See what I mean about the blue suite? Swoon! Now although we do not condone mimicking the work of others, we can certainly see why you might want to emulate your own “Crash” into the industry! Again, we’d like to give a huge thank you to Crash Taylor for giving us some of his time and sharing his thoughts and talents with us!

Website –
Workshops – here.



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