Okay… So this was not supposed to be day 3 of video posts, it’s supposed to be Inspire Me Friday and our next interview is going to be incredible!! We had a little hick-up though and it won’t publish till next Friday (so so sorry). In the mean time, here’s a hint to let you know who it will be…
Note about the workshop: Also want to remind you to get your spot at the Seattle Summer Workshop for Aug 20& 21. I’m so excited to share it all and give you the tools to bring your business into the next level! We are artists but we don’t have to be starving and I’m going to give you everything you need to make sure that doesn’t happen!
Plus because I’m all about service that extends to my fellow photographers, we’re trying to make sure we’re able to pick you up from the airport and getting you to your hotel not to mention you pretty much don’t need to worry about food except for maybe a midnight snack. If you have questions, email
Kathy and she can help you will travel arrangements and details. It’s going to be awesome!! It’s my goal to make the value of this workshop so above and beyond what you invest in it – You want to be there!!
Ha! I'm surprised at how good the pictures look!