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Operation: Love ReUnited

My husband just showed me this video. As soon as it finished he told me I should post it on Go{4}Pro.   I was thinking the same thing because as I watched it I knew it was exactly what today’s post was in need of. We are a very patriotic family.  We are so grateful for the freedoms that we enjoy and we could never have those without the brave men and women who protect those liberties for us each and everyday.

The opportunity to give something back to our soldiers is amazing. No matter how much you or I ever give, we will of course still be in debt for how much they give for us. Almost 10 years after our reality was shaken our military still fights a battle for freedom. Fathers… Mothers…. Sons…. Daughters…. Brother…. Sisters…. Lovers… With aches in their hearts and duty in their soul walk away from safety and the arms of those they love to protect you and me.

You can’t help but wish there was something that you could do to make the separation easier for these brave men and women who willingly give so much…

Did I forget to tell you that this video brings tears? That may or may not have been on purpose. I didn’t want you to skip past it. If it makes you feel better I bawled my eyes out the first time I saw it… And every time after that too. And I’m really sorry if you’re sitting at work trying to rub mascara from your cheeks!

Your heart can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the soldiers and their families for what they sacrifice. Isn’t it wonderful to know that there is a way for  you can say ‘thank you’ with your camera? It’s called Operation: Love ReUnited. “Operation: Love ReUnited offers support to U.S. Military families by offering special sessions with a patriotic edge during their enlistment, focusing on deployments– before and more importantly, after, at their reunion when the deployment has terminated and the soldier is safely home– usually in an airport.

As a participating photographer, you would agree to waive all fees of any kind, including sitting fees, and to send a 4×6 printed album of the pre-deployment or family images to the deployed soldier, at no cost to the family, once he or she is stationed.  You are then welcome to offer the family any amount of courtesy products or prints, or percentages off if you choose too.”
If you feel like Operation: Love ReUnited may be your charity of choice you may visit their website here or go to the portion specifically for photographers by clicking here.
I am excited to continue showcasing different photography charity organizations. I’ll try to compile a list for everyone asap. I hope you are enjoying this special focus on opportunities to give. I’d love to hear if you are a photographer with Operation: Love ReUnited or if this charity specifically touches your heart.
If you are affiliated with a charity or opportunity for photographers to serve that you would like shared on Go{4}Pro, please contact me.


  1. Taylor says:

    This is really cool and all I have to say is that I see no comments on this post which is very sad because if leah was offering some sort of give away there would be 100 plus responses. Show some support and leave a response on how you are going to help the troops!!

  2. Adrienne says:

    I did not know an organization like this existed!! I would love to be involved with this! Thanks Leah!

  3. Cherie says:

    I loved watching this. Very inspirational and I plan on signing up soon. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Carrie says:

    Wow! It’s a good thing I hadn’t put my makeup on yet for the day!
    This was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I can’t express the emotions it evoked. My heart is so full of gratitude! What an amazing way we can serve those who give their all for us and our country! So, so, SO beautiful.

  5. Happy Astorga says:

    Thank you for responding to my email about where to leave comments! It worked! This video had me crying openly- it was WONDERFUL! I look forward to the day that I can participate in an organization like this. Thank you!!!

  6. Hi Leah,
    I have to say that first, as a Marine Corps spouse whose husband is currently deployed to Afghanistan I truly appreciate you posting this and I am grateful for all of the participating photographers all over the country. I am also a participating photographer here in Hawaii, where we are currently stationed…and I can promise you that you will be filled with joy and thanksgiving if you give back to through this wonderful organization. Seeing these families reunited is priceless….and taking their family portraits before the military member deploys is so bittersweet…because knowing the reality that this could be their last family portrait should make us all want to give back as much as possible. So I encourage you all to contact your local military installation and find out how you can get involved. Go to the OpLove website and sign up…you won’t regret it!!!


  7. Kristen S says:

    Thank you for featuring OpLove. What a great organization! Thank you to all the photographers out there volunteering with OpLove.

you said:

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