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The 2011 WPPI Speaking List!

The speakers for 2011 WPPI Convention (which stands for Wedding & Portrait Photographers International – NOT JUST FOR WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS!) have been announced!  And since the list of speakers doesn’t have links, we’ve gone through and done all the Google-ing for you!

Here are the lists of all the speakers, broken up by group/specialty and in alphabetical order by last name with links to their websites as well as links to our interviews with them, if applicable!

Plus Class Speakers

Alycia Alvarez
Bambi Cantrell (See our interview with her here!)
Bob & Dawn Davis
Kay Eskridge
Jim Garner
Jerry Ghionis (See our interview with him here!)
Doug Gordon
Greg Gibson
Tony Hewitt (site down)
Tim Kelly
Cliff Mautner
Kirk Voclain

MasterClass Speakers

Business / Marketing:

Anthony Cava
Lawrence Chan
Blake Discher
Matt Hill
Andy & Angie Wood

Nick Adams
Fernando Basurto (no portfolio)
Frank Dispensa
Eric Doggett
Claude Jodoin
Wes Kroninger
Kevin Kubota
Timothy Meyer and Glenn Rand
Rosanne Olson
Brian and Judith Shindle (no portfolio)
Pierre Stephenson
Neil van Niekerk

Joe and Mirta Barnet
Tracy Dorr
Peter Ellis
Zach and Jody Gray
Dennis Orchard
Frank Salas
Gregory Schrader

Jerry Avenaim
Jacquelynn Buck
David Cuerdon
Cherie Steinberg
Storey Wilkins
Pete Wright
Winifred Whitfield

Sara France
Charles Maring
Dustin Meyer

Deborah Ferro
Natalie Fobes
Khara Plicanic
Art Suwansang

Spanish Master Class:
Rodolfo Arpia
Robert Lino
Daniel Romero

Platform Class Speakers

Lindsay Adler
Jared Bauman
Bobbi & Mike Belschner
Jules Bianchi & Joy Bianchi Brown
Jonathan Canlas (See our interview with him here!)
Bambi Cantrell (See our interview with her here!)
David & Quin Cheung
Sal Cincotta
Jesh de Rox
JP Elario
Kay Eskridge
Beth Forester
Mike Fulton and Cody Clinton
Jim Garner
Jerry Ghionis (See our interview with him here!)
Michael Gilbert
Doug Gordon
Michael Grecco
Michael Greenberg
Jason Groupp
Craig Heidemann
Gene Ho
Bruce Hudson
Jennifer Hudson
Kevin Jairaj
Kevin Kubota
Mike Larson
Cliff Mautner
Lori Nordstrom
Louis Pang
Peter Pereira
Sarah Petty (See our three part interview with her here, here and here!)
Blair & Suzanne Phillips
Jared Platt
Jamie Schultz
Dawn Shields
Jasmine Star
Joseph Victor Stefanchik
Vicki Taufer
Damon Tucci (See our interview with him (and his wonderful partner Rosy) here!)
Anthony Vazquez
Jose Villa
Kirk Voclain


This took a lot of time and work to compile for you. If you know photographers who will benefit from being able to research out who they want to here and have it all in one nice neat list…. PLEASE use all those cool do-hickey’s at the bottom and share this post! 🙂 I want to know that this was well worth the effort! Thanks! -L



  1. Lindsay says:

    Yay! Khara Plicanic did my wedding photos and is absolutely a-ma-zing!

  2. Lloryn says:

    this is an awesome list! thanks!

  3. Kalli says:

    I would say Jasmine Star, Jerry Ghionis, and Jesh de Rox are a MUST.SEE! I would love to hear who everyone else recommends as a MUST. That would help so much with my deciding which classes to attend. (Since there is always too many amazing classes and just not enough time.)

  4. Carrie says:

    Thanks so much for doing all the work! This will be sooooo useful for me! 🙂

  5. Jessica says:

    Wish I could have been there!

you said:

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