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Newborn Resting on Chin Pose, Wrap Pose and More {Video}

As I planned out this week, I wanted it to be fun (of course) and practical at the same time. It has something to do with keeping the FUNdamentals… Fun. Because you know how sometimes you get done reading something and you’re like, ‘yes… this is fantastic’ but you all of a sudden realize that you’re not sure how to actually implement it? I really hate that, it’s like being given a slice of cake, sure I’m probably going to go at it anyway but when my face emerges from the chocolaty frosting goodness, it aint gonna be pretty! So here’s the breakdown, we talked about some of the tools that will really help the session run smoother on Monday, next I introduced some of my favorite props and talked about the power of using the unique to make your images standout and of course we’re giving away 8 awesome prizes as well (you have till Saturday morning at 8am pst)!   On Wednesday we heard from the very talented Shellie of All Things Baby about the pros and cons of Baby Plans…  But today I wanted to show a newborn session in action.  Thanks goes out to Karen of  Alexander Photography for today’s in action video!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Here are just a few final images from the session… I would have loved to include the final slideshow as well but I was worried about how much it would slow the site. If you would like to see the full slideshow from this session, go HERE.



  1. Celesa says:

    Awesome post. Thank you so much for the newborn tips this week. I can’t wait for the two I have coming at the end of the month.

  2. These are great videos. I can never get newborns just the way I want them. Always wide awake even though me and mom have done everything right. I think I just need more patience. And I need to watch these videos right before every newborn shoot. Thanks for a great week!!

  3. Happy Astorga says:

    Thank you so much for all of these posts, especially this one! They are SO helpful- just what I’ve needed- thank you!!

  4. Kalli says:

    This was so fascinating to watch. I’ve never done newborn photography, but she makes it look so easy! It almost looks like a little girl playing with her doll. 🙂

  5. Carrie says:

    This was soooooooo awesome! I absolutely loved it! Thanks again for sharing!

  6. Katey says:

    I wanted to know what the fabric is called in the wrap pose video? Great videos, they help out a lot!

you said:

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