the blog

How to send in your article submission.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who have written for Go{4}Pro, are in process of writing up something for Go{4}Pro or will in the future! I positively love guest posts cause it means that I get to learn and be inspired too! Plus it gives me a day off from trying to figure out what to write about. {Yep, I’ll admit it, I get writers block from time to time really badly!}

So to try to encourage more of you to submit and write for Go{4}Pro I thought I ‘d create a little FAQ and How To Post.

Let’s start with the FAQ’s…

WHO CAN SUBMIT A POST? Anyone really! Please don’t think that you have to be a big ol’ experienced photog in order to have something worth sharing. When I started this blog I hadn’t even gotten anyone to pay me real money yet – Oh and I was trying, believe me I was trying! It’s about doing something, sharing something and giving something to the photographer community who as a whole gives so much to each of us. Plus it looks really cool to your clients to blog about an article you wrote for photographers. {wink}

WHAT SHOULD I WRITE ABOUT? I’m always trying to come up with new ideas to write about but a few thoughts would be to show off your branding and marketing ideas, write a tutorial about a technique within Photoshop, Lightroom and even your camera. You could create a short series on a subject. I LOVE seeing people’s studios, workspaces and how they decorate with photography on their own walls. You can also share marketing and promotional ideas… Hopefully that got the ball moving and you’ll be able to think of some awesome ideas from their. *I will not accept submissions that heavily promote any products unless they are mine and then promote away! 🙂 

HOW DO I SUBMIT MY ARTICLE? You can write out your article and send it to me or we can run ideas back and forth first. If you have a great idea and you haven’t seen anything like it on Go{4}Pro recently then just follow the instructions below to submit your article.

STEP 1: Write your article in your own blog as you normally would, place the pictures (no more then 580 px wide) where you want them, check spelling and grammar, create links to other sites if applicable – do all the things you would do to write a blog post.

If you uploaded images into your blog post that are not sized below 590 px, you can go into advanced setting and resize them directly in the post. All you need to do in WordPress is click on the image, go to advanced settings and bring down the percentage. As you bring the percentage down you will be able to see the width and height change. All your images need to be below 600 px wide in order to fit in the Go{4}Pro Blog.

STEP 2 : In Blogger or WordPress you will click the tab that says HTML. Select everything, Copy and Paste into a word doc or the email you’re sending me.

STEP 3: SENDING THE EMAIL. With the HTML text you will also need to attach a self portrait and how you would like your heading to appear, other wise I’ll assume to use your first and last name (if I have it) and your photography name. Another great idea is to link your website, blog and facebook page at the bottom of your article so that people can find you! PLEASE MAKE THE SUBJECT LINE READ – GUEST POST – Your posts title or topic.

And that’s it. I really hope this is clear enough on how to submit. I’m not awesome at tutorials – probably for the same reason I’m terrible at baking. Strict instruction don’t like me very much, I think it’s because I like to stick my tongue out at them. But hopefully this helps cause I’d love to see more contributors to Go{4}Pro!!



  1. Amy says:

    i always enjoy reading your guests posts, so hopefully this will inspire more 😀

  2. Bobbi Jo says:

    Once I dig myself out of the editing hole I’m in I just might have to send off an article!

you said:

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