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The SOAR! Scholarship

The About Me Page Contest will be ending at the end of today! Kelli France, Jessica Greives and I will be reading all of the entries and chatting next week. We will announce the winner on Wednesday, Dec 22nd.

But I’m excited to let you know about another amazing opportunity… SOAR created by Me Ra, here’s what she has to say about it…

For all you women out there who have been wanting to start (or have been struggling to continue) your photography business…this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!

SOAR! is a scholarship award program that my husband and I started last year with the help of our partners; Sony, Adobe, Smug Mug, Wisdom Connection and many more!  The SOAR! Scholarship empowers three women to make their dream of building a photography business come true.  But more than three women are affected!  In fact, countless women soared last year as they followed along in the exercises and assignments on the SOAR! blog.  My vision is to not only change the lives of three women, but breathes hope and encouragement into women across the nation.

Are you ready to take your dream out of hiding and give it wings?  If yes, we are currently inviting women to submit a 90 second video that shares why they have what it takes to SOAR! in building their own photography business. In mid-January we announce the three winners and begin their next 12 months of self discovery, empowerment and support to building a business that will last. The scholarship recipients will receive camera gear from Sony, beautiful websites and blogs from SmugMug, designed by Fast Line Media!  They will also receive software from Adobe that makes their life of photo processing easier. The women will not only be mentored by me and Brian but other industry leaders such as Jeff Jochum, CEO of Me Ra Koh Media, as well as receive monthly, individual, business coaching sessions from my former business coaches at the The Wisdom Connection. Every SOAR! partner that you see on the Partner page is here to empower our three recipients to go for their dreams.

Review the SOAR! website–lots of juicy details!  Visit the forum and meet new friends who are preparing to take flight or already flying!  This scholarship is about giving you the
break you’ve been praying for!

SOAR! is about understanding the wind that lifts us. SOAR! is about having the courage to believe our dreams were given to us for a reason. SOAR! is about climbing swiftly and powerfully! SOAR! is about helping you jump, take flight, and believe that you can not only learn to fly but SOAR!

If this is describing what you need, don’t wait…the deadline for all video applications is Monday, December 20th, 2010.  For all the juicy details, go to today!

Time to let your dream fly!

Me Ra Koh



  1. Kathy says:

    What an amazing opportunity!!

    *runs to get more information*

  2. Carrie says:

    So, so amazing!

  3. Thanks for sharing this! I actually entered 24 hours after reading this post with 1/2 hour to spare. I think I am too old and not cute enough for anyone to watch me on a video blog to win this one but I learned how to edit video by force of wanting to enter so bad! I also found a new site to help me grow my business along with yours that i only recently reacquainted myself with. I feel like a winner already!

  4. Megan says:

    I’m so bummed that I just came across this and it is 1130 on Dec. 20th. The interesting thing is that one of last year’s scholarship winners live in my city and her son and my daughter attend the same preschool! Now I’m thinking I should contact her though I have no idea how to approach her. How exciting of an opportunity for those who are picked!

  5. brigita says:

    I am late 🙁
    great opportunity to learn 🙂

you said:

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