the blog

Creating a Virtual Vision Board

Have you seen Pinterest yet? It’s one of my absolute favorite sites and it’s free! Pinterest allows you to create Vision Boards based on things you find and love all around the world wide web. Essentially it’s like having your own virtual cork board, only instead of being a hodge podge of ideas like the one on your wall, you can organize each board by name. Once you find something you love – you “pin” the item, assign it to one of your categories and your Vision Board stores the image, a description you write and the link that your image derived from…. Really – All you need to know is that it’s awesome and free! …But a little addictive.

This Vision Board is one of many that I’ve created for myself on Pinterest. It’s all about Branding Inspiration for Leah Remillet Photography. Can I just say (and I’m sure you’re already thinking it) that this is the perfect way to start defining and finding your style and brand! I love that I can jump on the site, scroll through my boards or others and immediately be just inundated with inspiration!

Oh yes… And in others news that’s completely related because they are both about organizing ourselves in fun ways… Have you gotten your free Work Flow Screen Saver yet? All you have to do is “like” our Facebook Fan Page to get access to the Free Download! The cool thing is, I made it so you can customize it to whatever colors you want! …This is a screen shot of my finished Work Flow Board in Action! And don’t forget to check out the Facebook Shop, I’d love to start helping you make your Facebook it’s own mini branded website just for you! Free Desktop Workflow BoardSo Go Peruse and Go Download… Happy Organizing & Happy Friday.



  1. Love pintrest! I got sucked into this morning actually.

    I never thought to use it to solidify my personal style and use that for my branding. I think that is an absolutely great idea. I’ve looking for a way to get a better sense of my brand and who I am. Thanks for this!

  2. Audrey says:

    Looks like we had the same idea! I sent you my Pinterest link in my questionaire yesterday to help you with my logo and branding. I love it!

  3. Kelly says:

    Love!!! Thanks for sharing!

you said:

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