Maybe all you need to create that workspace you dream of is the linen closet? Not sure where to suggest putting the linens? Maybe you could just go to one set per bed and have a wash-day where all of em’ get stripped and who’s ever don’t make it to the dryer has to sleep in a sleeping bag? So maybe not but hey – the sacrifice might just be worth it to you. My very first home office was actually in a closet! My hubby’s mom and dad surprised me and did a complete makeover of our guest room in the very first house Taylor and I ever owned! While we were in Hawaii (I know I’m a super lucky girl) they redid our guest-room and converted the closet into my workspace. Taylor’s dad installed a countertop from one end to the other with shelves going up the insides for organization and storage… I loved that little closet office so much because it was mine… All mine! Having a designated workspace to call your own just does something for the way you look at your work!
Right now, every time I walk into my office I just want to snort at it like an ANGRY BULL! Oh how I wish I could tell you that it was going fabulously ( I was so determined to have it done by April 18th!) but I forgot this one miner detail when I undertook this whole thing. I’m suck at DIY projects! No seriously… I don’t know why this is so stink’n hard for me? Here I thought, ‘oooh spray paint – that’ll be fun… And easy! I’ll just throw is a few staples and I’m going to have an awesomlyfab desk chair and hey since that’s going to be awesomlyfab why don’t I go ahead and paint a little side table, printer table and a bunch of frames too?’ I thought I was so smart and just bubbling with wonderful creativity – Well here is a huge grunt-snort-sigh to that idea! I foolishly thought to myself, ‘why not? You can do this!’ Only turns out that ‘can’ and ‘can with skills‘ are two very different sentiments! Who new spray paint was tricky? And to all of you thinking, ‘ummm. Leah – spray paint is not tricky!’ I beg to differ!
Here are some women who have taken ‘can with skills’ and created beautiful closet office spaces!
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I hope you have a wonderful Easter! I’m working on getting some new post lineups ready so if there is a favorite topic, series or post from Go{4}Pro archives. I’d love to here what it is! Your input will do wonders for helping me generate new inspiring posts!
Hmmm… maybe we can do a trade? 🙂 I love DIY projects! And I only live about 2 hours away… 😉
Kim your so awesome! I think I’m making my mom come help me next week but if shes not able to… I’m calling you!
Mmmm, I love the closet office spaces! Mine isn’t in the closet but a corner of our main floor and I have even less space than the closet. But those closets give me some great ideas on how to keep my space neat, clean and working for me.
I think the orginzation thing is the hardest and the most important for any office but espcially the little ones! Here are teo great ideas!
But at least you have awesome curtains, right? 😉
My new studio/office is still drywall. Sigh…
I have an idea for a post! I actually asked you this on Formspring, but I think it would be a great blog post too. How do you decide what to invest your money in and when? I’m putting 20% of my profits back into my business account to invest in equipment, and it’s so hard to decide what to buy when. I have a mile-long wish-list of lenses, props, backdrops, lights, and other gadgets…how do you prioritize your spending?
Hope you have a happy Easter!
Your right! I DO have awesome curtains!
I will write a post about where to invest next week for you!
Oh my word, I love all of these. They co-ordinate wonderfully!
GOrgeous right?? Thanks for the affirmation! 😀