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I was 19 years old when we met. For our first date, he planned a hike to a beautiful waterfall for us. I remember when he’d asked me on the date, he asked if I liked hiking. “I love hiking” I lied (justifying that I was sure I would). I’d actually never been on a hike in my life but that’s just not what one says when looking to get a date.

As we got half way up the mountain side and I realized that making my shoe decisions based on the ones that made my feet look the smallest was a really bad idea, he offered to stop for a little rest.  I was impressed that he’d thought about the details as he pulled out 2 apples, 2 bottles of water and a box of crackers for us to enjoy.

As we continued on the trail we shared stories about our lives, what we loved, what we didn’t, our values and our dreams. There was something about him… Something that seemed to fit perfectly with me…

Later that night I met up with my girlfriends. When they asked how my date had gone, I simply responded, “I’m going to marry him.” And that was it. I knew… I always knew.

This year marks 10 years of marriage. If someone asked me what would you want for your anniversary? It would be photographs. I have this bucket-list, this dreamy list of who I would have photograph each scenario of my life. For example Sue Bryce would photograph me alone, Tamara Lackey would photograph our family and Jerry Ghionis would photograph Taylor and I. It’s a pretty incredible list, I know. Kind of like smiling next to Oprah and the Queen but nevertheless there it is!

On Tuesday night of the 5 day Jerry Ghionis workshop, we found out that one of our models needed to leave early, leaving us short one couple for our last shooting day. The replacement models became Taylor and I! And so unbelievably, on the cusp of our ten year anniversary my wish came true…

A huge thank you to Destiny Taylor for doing an amazing job with hair & makeup for all our models.



  1. Derek says:

    Absolutely amazing. I’m so happy for you that one of the models left and you got to stand in!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Me too! At first I felt crazy nervous… Being in front of the camera is intimidating enough (as we all know) but being in front of Jerry Ghionis camera WHILE 20 people watch… Now that’s outright scary! But Jerry made it awesome and as you can see, we had a ball!

  2. Lori says:

    Congrats! you two are a beautiful couple!!! <3

  3. oh wow, that IS a dream come true!!! how lucky! those are gorgeous!!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I’m still pinching myself! Now I have to decide which one is going to be made into a huge canvas?!!

  4. Jeri says:

    I love it when I get to see photographers in front of the camera. You can see the laughter and passion that you two share! Happy Anniversary!!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I agree! I love seeing that kind of stuff… And it’s AMAZING to think that in this case, the photographer is ME!!

  5. Kalli says:

    Absolutely love! Congrats! How did Jerry get you and your hubby to feel so comfortable in front of the camera? They look amazing!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      You can’t even describe it… When you watch him, you get it and it’s profound. Seriously it made everything so obvious as to how to do it the RIGHT way and getting to experience it as the couple was even more awesome!

  6. Adrienne says:

    I’m so glad it work out perfectly for you! 🙂 The photos are wonderful and you look gorgeous!!!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Thanks Adrienne! It was an amazing experience and so much laughter – that part was really awesome!

  7. Jenny says:

    oh la la. You guys look awesome!!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Ahh. Thanks Jenny! Jerry has this incredible gift of making you feel like your very best self! And when he teaches photographers how to do it themselves, you literally have to pick your jaw off the floor. (Okay not literally but pretty close).

  8. Shondra W. says:

    You two are such a beautiful couple! And you have a such a sweet story as well. What a great 10-year anniversary gift-photographed by a man you truly admire. It doesn’t get much better than that.

    Take care! 🙂

  9. Krystal says:

    Last fall was ten years for my husband and I. And I know what you are saying about wanting photographs. I look back at wedding photos, and while I love them, we have changed and I want so photos of the us that is right now. The us in the midst of this crazy, happy, child filled life. Last year we went to NYC for our tenth but I’m thinking 11 will be some photos of us. Seeing these pictures of you and your husband has been the motivation I need to make it happen. Now, whoever I find won’t be Jerry. But it will be so great to something with just the two of us.

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Thats so exciting Krystal! You should definitely do it! As we all know to clearly… In the end it’s the photographs that tell our story and I want my grandkids to know my story!

      • Krystal says:

        Amen to that! It’s funny, that was just what I was thinking as I was commenting. I want my kids, grandkids and me as great-grandma, to have more than a few snapshots of us. My mom has this photo of her great-grandparents from the 20s. They are standing next to a corn field and she is staring at him with all this passion (NOT the norm for that day). He is has this huge grin on his face while he is only half paying attention to the camera, totally into his wife. Ahhh… I love that picture! I want my kids to remember me like that and it’s only in a photograph that they will get reminders. And in a nutshell that’s why I love photography.

  10. AMAZING! What a great opportunity to see how Jerry shoots as a model and as a photographer being there side by side. I really respect him and the ability that he has to put everyone at ease and make anyone feel gorgeous/handsome. Beautiful images!

  11. brooke snow says:

    amazing. I love cool stories like that. And amazing images like that 🙂 congrats on a dream come true!

  12. Stephie J. says:

    Wow! How cool is that!? Congrats to you and your husband!!

  13. Vaina says:

    You guys look really stunning in those pictures. very beautiful!

  14. Christine says:

    ahhh GORGEOUS!!!! Stunning. So so happy for you. Are you guys sure you are not models?

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Thanks Kristine… Jerry has this amazing effect of making you FEEL like a super model and learning how to do that yourself is really amazing!

  15. you guys are beautiful together!

  16. Ah! That almost made me cry! Ten years. I just can’t believe it. When did we all go and grow up? Jacob and I will meet that mark (the 10 year mark, not the grown up mark) next summer. I think it will feel a bit surreal to me. Enjoy it! And congrats on the anniversary AND the amazingly brilliant photographs.

  17. Carrie says:

    Are you kidding me?!!!!!! SO AWESOME that that worked out, and the pictures are to die for!! Love them Leah!

  18. Lloryn says:

    OMG… I die! that’s so awesome! and these pictures are beautiful! Happy Anniversary!

you said:

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