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Five ways to Generate Publicity

Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. (thanks wikipedia). Basically it all goes back to why the prom queen was, well,  prom queen. Publicity generates awareness, awareness generates buzz, buzz generates popularity and popularity sells.

At it’s most effective level you’ll be able to leverage publicity to work for you both for short term gain (clients calling cause they heard the news) and in your long term plan (you’ve built a solid reputation worth mentioning).

Forget the old adage ‘any publicity is good publicity’. Consider that in the photography world, if 99% of us attract bad publicity we’re going to sink straight to the bottom.

Here are five suggestions for generating news worthy publicity…

1. Be a leader. There are two fast ways to accomplish this. Public speaking is an excellent way to establish yourself as a leader. Some great opportunities would be in high school or college photography classes, at mommy groups, or as a community service. And if you’re just not ready for that you can also try writing articles in your local city parent magazines, on local mommy blogs and for community programs.

2. Community Service. This has to be my favorite because it’s not only a fabulous way to generate buzz but it also leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy. Look for opportunities that are best related to your niche for ideas to serve. For example, if I was a pet photographer then I would make sure I was working closely with the humane society.

3. Achievement & Awards. Enter into print competitions, business competitions… Anything that comes with an award. As you begin to be recognized don’t just save the happy news for your own blog. Contact your local newspapers and offer a press relief about the big news.

4. Be Different. Being different has always stood out! Just look at Virgin, Hummer (before they tried to blend in) and the Smurfs. Being on the forefront of a trend can help give you the edge you need to stand out. And remember, you don’t have to be the “first” on the internet, but you do want to be one of the first in your area.

5. Contests & Giveaways. You can obviously do this through your own business but I would encourage you to look for opportunities to be a guest judge, sponsor or prize contributor for other local businesses and programs. Think auctions, fund raisers, community activities, etc. The sky is the limit.

…Next will talk about how to get the maximum hype out of your publicity.

I’m seeing so much excitement and enthusiasm around the Go{4} Profit Web Event and I’m LOVING IT!! Can you really afford to miss it? Come thrive with me!



  1. Paige says:

    I’ve always wanted to know more about publicity. This is great! My wheels are starting to spin.

    • Leah Remillet says:

      That’s what I LOVE to hear. The best part about inspiration is that it just gets your mind rolling and finding the perfect solutions for YOU!

  2. Kelli D. says:

    Oooh. Publicity sounds so “movie star”! I love it!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Ha! That is pretty fun, but I’ll show you how to use it past the latest tabloid scam! 🙂

you said:

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