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If Go{4}Pro had a house…

When I was little, my sisters and I use to take the home catalogs and the street of dreams magazines and spreading everything out on the carpet, we’d lay on our tummies for hours, dreaming up our somedays. We would each get to pick one home from the Street of Dreams Brochure and then we would scrutinize over every page of the Catalogues and fill our homes. Β I guess the truth is that my childhood whims really never left me, making Pinterest my new grownup version of this childhood game.

The other day I spotted an awesome orange and white bathroom! Β Loved it, pinned it and thought to myself, if Go{4}Pro had a house this bathroom would be in it! And that sparked the idea for this post…

Source: All Images from Pinterest Search: Orange and Blue Decor

What do you think of my house? Want to come visit me? I think it should be somewhere on the East Coast. Maybe Maine… I’ve always wanted to go to Maine so I could eat Lobster to my hearts content.



  1. Ashley says:

    I L <3 V E your G4P house! I especially love that it's in Maine. Come to Maine and I'll bring you around to look at all the houses for sale. Hold a workshop here and it could pay for your trip to Maine, the incredible fall colors are just around the corner = amazing photos!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Oooh Ashley… You have me in dream land… Fall colors, meeting awesome photogs, teaching… EATING!! Sounds heavenly!! πŸ™‚

  2. Alison says:

    I am with Ashley, come on up, we would love to have you! I have a few places in mind that would be perfect for your beautiful dream house! Love the bathroom that started it all!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      You and Ashley have me wanting to jump on the next flight!! πŸ˜€ … And, isn’t that bathroom amazing?? I really want to have it as my kids bathroom someday! I love it!!

      • Alison says:

        We have a family house in a beautiful little town nestled on a lake only about 30 minutes from the ocean. Let me know if you ever want to use it- would be a great place for a family get away and a work shop! Just saying!!! πŸ™‚ I think the sink had me, but I can also see it with a claw foot tub painted the same way with a ton of bubbles and giggling kids, but cool enough for my tween!

        • Leah Remillet says:

          You and Ashley are working me and let me tell you… All I wanna do is say, ‘ok I’m coming!’ πŸ™‚

  3. Ashley says: and are the two cheapest airlines that fly into Portland. You should check out the deals… you know you want to πŸ™‚
    You can also fly into Boston and take the Concord Trailways bus, Amtrak or greyhound to Portland. Concord Trailways picks you up right outside the door of the airport baggage claim. Keep us posted, I’ll help market your workshop… all you have to do is say there is a workshop lol.

  4. Renee Hardy says:

    New England in general is a very beautiful, and it has so much variety to photograph. I think Maine is the perfect place for the G4P house. Pictures you posted are perfect. Although, my dream is short lived when I think about what the dogs and kids could get into.

  5. Amanda G says:

    TO funny i was just telling my hubby i want to moce to maine so i can catch & eat of course lots of lobster!! Great post πŸ™‚

you said:

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