Would you really tell me if it did? Do you have someone who you could count on to lovingly and tenderly tell you if it did? How about your photography? Have you checked out the Chic Critique Forum yet?
The Chic Critique Forum is a forum focused on providing candid critique for (amateur and professional) photographers. Chic Critique Forum members can sign up for our exclusive “4-Week Critiques” with any of our Celebrity Photographers.

Forum members are strongly encouraged to offer at least one suggestion to every image they choose to comment on. Members can also rate each other’s images using a star scale of 1-5. So if you are frustrated with fake feedback on your photos like: “Awww, it’s cute” or “Great shot!” then join a creative community of aspiring and inspiring photographers who share honest critique.

Chic Critique forum members also get FREE What-to-Wear guides {created by i Adore Your Style} every month!!! You can become a member for only 7.99/mo.

And guess what! I’m offering a giveaway on the chic critique forum today! Go check it out! www.chiccritiqueforum.com
Yay!!!!! (Happy Daaaance) I won one of your beautiful shop creations! 😀 Happy Thursday to me!
I didn’t even look at the email address. That’s awesome, enjoy them!!