the blog

From My Home to Yours…

It’s hard to feel sincerity when you read a blog post that is “thanking the readers”. I’ve read them and questioned if they really meant it and I’m guessing you have too. But I want to tell you anyway, I want you to know how incredibly grateful I am to have the opportunity to touch you in your life. I hope, sincerely that I have helped you thrive a little better this last year, that I’ve made you smile, made you think and made you challenge yourself to be a little better. Because you do that for me, I push myself so hard because I know that you are waiting for me to help you be better and I really love that about you.

This year has been in part and also leading up to major changes in my families life. After eight years of school for my husband, we are finally entering the grown-up world, I am so ready! We are realizing that we will be staying right where we are at (I never expected that when we moved to Portland, OR.) and that life is about to get a little bumpy with challenges before it get’s smooth (that’s what building a practice will do). But more than anything, I can’t help but feel like I have to be the luckiest girl in the whole world. Just the fact that I can say. ‘I love my life’ tells me I have way more then I deserve.

I just wanted you to know how grateful I am, for Go{4}Pro and that you’re willing to read it, for my family, for my husband, for my faith. I am grateful to see my efforts blossom over and over into more then even I can usually dream up and I am grateful to have an opportunity to become better, to learn more and to challenge myself farther then I have before.

With all the gratitude that I can possibly convey from my computer screen to yours, I want to say Merry Christmas!




  1. Jenika says:

    Thanks to you, too! My husband also recently finished 10 years of school (and I finished 7), and we’re both “coming in for a landing” – best wishes to you as you navigate the transition. May your holidays and your new year be blessed.

  2. Tira J says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family Leah!

  3. Becky says:

    such a cute card, leah. and your kids are adorable, which i am sure you already know!! 🙂

  4. Erin says:

    Cutest card ever – I love the bow tie. Merry Christmas to you too. And I feel your sincerity in every post. That’s what keeps me coming back.

you said:

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