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How to make your dream REALLY happen in under 300 words!

I’m in process of taking on a HUGE project! It’s something that I am so passionate about and excited to offer to you. The challenge of creating it and  getting it to the point where I can actually share it with you is a little daunting. But this is important. It can change lives and I know with everything in me that it will be worth the work. This will be the game changer for every photographer who truly dreams of thriving!

We all have dreams… We make plans and too often those plans never see the light of day. But someday, at some point, something in you shifts and as if screaming upward toward the mountain that awaits you – with every part of your soul, you’ll shout, ” I WILL WIN TODAY!” 

The most important thing that you will need in order to win the battle of your dream is,  first: determination, and second: a good plan! With my current project (and I think this is relevant for anyone), there are some tasks that I’m not looking forward to. They feel overwhelming.

It’s our instinct to push those tasks down our priorities ladders but this is a fatal mistake! Instead, take those items which cause you the most anxiety and break them down into manageable tasks. Make them as small as you need to in order to make it reasonable in your mind. Then, go to work! 

But here’s the secret! Start with the tasks that are most daunting. Break those down into manageable steps and conquer (yes I mean conquer)! Once those items are checked off your “dream to-do list” that mountain won’t appear so tall… Instead, you’ll be looking at a grass covered hill with lovely wildflowers growing along your path!

Fantastic Print from ExLibris Journals on ETSY



  1. Inspiring as always! Thanks, Leah!

  2. Morgan says:

    Conquer was the perfect word! There are some tasks that I need to conquer and I haven’t been looking forward to it. Thank you for the reminder to break them down into smaller parts. Good luck with your project. I can’t wait to see what you have planned.

  3. Alison says:

    Thank you for this! I have a few mountains right now and they seem far too tall. Time to re-organize my attack strategy! Can’t wait to hear what you are working on!

  4. Elsa says:

    Thank you for your constant positive spin. It is appreciated and inspiring.

    • I like that… “positive spin”! Doesn’t it just make life more enjoyable to see where all the good is hiding? I sure think so! 🙂 Here’s to a positively spinning year for both of us!! Cheers!

  5. Arlene says:

    I’ve just found you and you are truly inspiring! I look forward to learning more from you!!

    • Hurray! I absolutely LOVE meeting new readers and I’m so excited to hear that you’re enjoying the blog! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me… You made my day!! Can’t wait to get to know you better through the blog!

you said:

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