the blog

Monthly Giveaway – February Ed.

I am so excited to get to show you this! I got the monthly giveaway idea from Emily over at the Jones Design Co. blog (check her out, I love it!) and well, I thought it would be so much fun to do them over here – but with a photography twist! Of course I wasn’t quite on it for January so we started by giving away my shop but now we’re moving onto the real vision!

So every month this year (at least that’s the plan, it is so much more work to put these together than you would think!) I will be showcasing some fabulous monthly giveaway! There will be an updating  link for it over to the right on the side bar of the blog and you’ll be able to enter for a chance to win everything you see! So fun right?

This is the month of amour and I’m sure you’re going to love what we have put together for you!

And if don’t mind, please help me spread the word and make sure you take time to check out these fabulous vendors!!

They are ALL seriously awesome! 



1.Red Camera Necklace by Barberry & Lace

2. Lucy Frame in Black by The Organic Bloom (like ’em on Facebook)

3. Just some little extras from me because well we all deserve some delicious tlc!

4. Vintage Camera Art Print by Bilox Housewife (like em’ on Facebook)

5. 12×18 Linen Pillow with Red VIntage Camera by Classic by Nature

6. ‘LOVE’ Garland by Devany’s Designs





  1. tamsen says:

    alright- being that I’m a huge fan of yours- Ive already completed all those steps! So now :: my favorite way to show love is connection. Hugs, kisses, snuggles, one on one time– it fuels my soul and strengthens our bond

  2. Rachel says:

    I love to show love…by baking or cooking their favorite treat!

  3. Jaimie says:

    always be there.

  4. Meredith Yerke says:

    To my husband to never go to bed without saying I love you, never leaving the house with out saying I love you and always end a phone call with I love you.. because life is to short you just never know when you may never get the chance to tell them again. To my friends to always be there for them in good times and bad in thick and thin. And to my family to support them and encourage them though life.

  5. Jessica Helton says:

    My favorite way to show love is to do unexpected things for people!

  6. Pam Cummings says:

    My favorite way to show my love is… to take photos of special moments and give them away to those I love with a personal note.

  7. Jade says:

    My favorite way to show my love is reading my boyfriend bedtime stories and tucking him in.

  8. Brittany says:

    I am already a huge fan of Go {4} Pro I’ve completed all the steps required and the best way that I show love is to just tell someone how much you love them EVERYDAY, also I help underprivileged families make sure they can capture their family memories just like anyone else. I have also started a non profit organization in my community that helps get our youth to learn about art appreciation and express themselves in art rather than getting caught up in a world of drugs and other criminal behavior. Doing all of that is my way of showing love for not only my family but also the community I live in. 🙂

  9. Michelle Howard says:

    My favorite way to show my love is doing things for the ones I love, even if it is small things like baking my daughter’s favorite cake, or playing cars with my son, or going fishing with my husband because I know that is what he likes to do!! These are ways to show my love!

  10. Jennifer says:

    My favorite way to show someonee I love them is to pay attention, give hugs, care, kiss, listen, and be kind 🙂

  11. Michelle Howard says:

    Thank you sooooo much for this AMAZING giveaway!! I am very hopefull but wish all the contestants GOOD LUCK!!!!

  12. Amanda says:

    My favorite way to show my love is with eskimo kisses. 🙂

  13. Shelby says:

    My favorite way to show love is…spend time with an open ears, open eyes and an open mind.

  14. Trisha D says:

    My Favorite Way to Show my Love is By Hugging…I LOVE giving HUGS! (I call them SQUEEZIES though LoL)

  15. My favorite way to show love is. Taking pictures for other people without charging. Easy way to show them I love what I do, and they are worth my time no matter what. . =)

  16. ….HUGS AND KISSES!!!

  17. Cherie says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to give lots of hugs and kisses! XOXO

  18. Teri/scraptag says:

    My favorite way to share my love is by using this month’s GO 4 Pro giveaways in amazing photoshoots with my kids! And sharing the Godiva chocolate (that I can’t take my eyes off of) with my girlie friends.

  19. Jenee says:

    My favorite way to show love is kisses, helping them out with anything they need, snuggling, comforting, joking with them, sharing thoughts, listening to their problems and giving them to best advice I can. I just want them to know that when they feel like the world is running them down, they’ve still got me!

  20. Linda says:

    Hugs & Kisses, and my view through the lens. My heart is my camera!

  21. Caitlin says:

    My favorite way to show love is… by surprising someone! The look of shock and joy on their face brings so much happiness to my heart, and they feel loved because of how much effort you put into keeping a surprise secret. <3

  22. to make dinner for my sweetie every night. (I hate cooking, but he sure appreciates it)

  23. Melissa says:

    By saying it. You can show it in everything you do but it’s no less important to hear it.

  24. Jenny Walker says:

    My favorite way to show some love is to bake their favorite treat and a little note or card in the mail if they are bummed.

  25. Christina Hossler says:

    My favorite way to show love is by just listening…it’s a simple thing that is so often overlooked.

  26. Carlin says:

    With something small that perfectly meets a friends need at that very moment!

  27. My favorite way to show love is…… with hugs and kisses. My kids and my husband are my life and everyday I shower them with hugs and kisses. XOXO

  28. Nicole says:

    My favorite way to show love is… being the shoulder to lean on…

  29. Katie says:

    My favorite way to show love is… big hugs and kisses!

  30. Taryn Boyd says:


    My favorite way to show love is….
    by being honest even when it’s not what the person you love wants to hear and for my kiddos. Loving them, squeezing them as much as I can and letting them know how amazingly special and loved they are!

  31. Melissa says:

    My favourite way to show my love is ….
    by focusing attention & my lens on those who are nearest & dearest to me.

  32. Chelsea says:

    My favorite way to show my love it say it and mean it :]
    Love your site and these goodies look amazing, Thanks!

  33. Hallie says:

    Before I share my favorite way to show love, I would like to say Go4Pro ROCKS!! I’m thankful you share so many great tips and ideas with everyone daily. Leah your just a blessing to all the photographers that follow you!! So…..My favorite way to show my love is by being there for those that our nearest and dearest to my heart. Being an optimistic person and always showing those that are hard to love what love really is!

  34. lisa k. says:

    with a big smile and saying so!

  35. My favorite way to show my love is to serve. I love finding people’s unseen needs and doing what I can to help fill them…from cleaning for them, to watching their kids, to sending a note of encouragement, I love to serve. 🙂

  36. ada says:

    my favorite way to show love is…to show praise and hugs! thank you so much!

  37. Laura says:

    My favorite way to show love is….’
    Snuggle time! Nothing better than snuggling with your loved ones!!

  38. Jennifer Coons says:

    My favorite way to show my love is… to listen to those around me.

  39. Rachel Adams says:

    I love this site. It’s simply inspiring to me. My favorite way to show my love is doing something that that particular person finds special to them. My daughter loves to sit and chat, so we do.

  40. Crystal says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by listening. Really listening.

  41. my favorite way to show love is spend time with them, listen, and with lots of hugs & kisses. 🙂

  42. Simona says:

    Wonderful site! My favorite way to show my love is spending quality time with the ones I love. And baking sweet treats for them to enjoy.

  43. PamN says:

    My favorite way to show love…with a fabulous home cooked meal!

  44. Kensie says:

    My favorite way to show my love is gift giving! I like to put a lot of effort into the gifts as well! I mean I really think about what that person wants and would not get for themselves!!!

  45. Hollie says:

    In excited to dig into this site. My favorite way to show love is by saying the words I love you. Especially to a friend who is so very important.

  46. Rachel says:

    My fave way to show love is… by doing fun unexpected things for people just to brighten their day! Like sending a silly youtube video or snail mail or baking cupcakes for them!
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!

  47. Janna says:

    My favorite way to show my love is … saying it.

  48. Christie says:

    Completed all entries!!!!

    My favorite way to show love is by spending time with my two favorite boys.

  49. Rebecca Weaver says:

    My favorite way to show my love is personalizing gifts, cards, etc with photos!!

  50. Kelli Henry says:

    My Favorite way to show my love is by always saying I LOVE you to my family,many many times through out the day, Both with words and actions.

  51. Kate Shelton says:

    My Favorite Way to show my Love is by being honest, regardless the situation. And showing that I care.

  52. Pamela Leon says:

    My favorite way to show love is hugs…..

  53. Kamila Piech says:

    Wow! This is so great!

    My favorite way to show my love is by taking a dog from shelter…

  54. Jessica P says:

    My favorite way to show my love…. is by giving hugs & kisses! Cooking sweets for the hubby. Taking the toddlers on a wagon ride & then jumping high on the trampoline with them:)

  55. Kari S says:

    steps 1 & 2 done 🙂

    My fave way to show my love is with cooking, bedtime stories and snuggles. Being courteous to everyone too

  56. Anne Jeschke says:

    HUGS and Kisses xx00xx00xx00

  57. Krystal says:

    my favorite way to show my love is with a beautiful photograph

  58. Stacy Judd says:

    By helping others when I can. I’m better at showing through actions than saying through words. I volunteer a lot in my community and help my friends and family where I can.

  59. Sadie says:

    My favorite way to show love is to play with kids.

  60. Did all of the above! My favorite way to show love is through touch. I’m a hugger and a hand-holder and back-massager!

  61. My favorite way to show love is give surprise happies! THANKS for all you do!

  62. Sarah Wilkey says:

    My favorite way to show love is quality time. Being a stay at home to my son and making special time out for my husband with date nights. Surprising him with everything being taken care of for reservations etc.

  63. Julie Crooke says:

    My favorite way to show love is…spending quality time together!

  64. Liz Byers says:

    My favorite way to show love is…by getting sentimental presents that have meaning ONLY to that person and I.

  65. Jessica says:

    My favorite way to show love is to photograph the people I love how I see them. Photos mean the world to me and I hope they mean something to those I photograph.

  66. My favorite way to show my love is to show random acts of love… like kisses and “I Love You” at random, unexpected times. That shows you really love a person and aren’t just reciprocating 🙂 P.S. LOVE your blog… thanks for sharing all that you do!

  67. Jennifer A. says:

    Listening and letting people vent without interrupting.

  68. Simone Hayes says:

    My favorite way to show love is go over and beyond what people expect.

  69. Melissa C says:

    My favorite way to show love is…through physical touch! (at least according to The 5 Love Languages :)) I hug, touch, kiss, etc 🙂

  70. Stephanie Hegland says:

    The little things…hugs and kisses, tell them I love you, watching the same kid movie over and over, take my kids on date nights 🙂

  71. Always saying I love you to my family. Lots of hugs and kisses!

  72. Beth D says:

    My favorite way to show love is by giving little (or big!) unexpected gifts!

  73. My favourite way to show love is surprising someone with something sweet and unexpected. The thoughtful, “just because” acts of kindness are the best!

  74. Amanda says:

    my favorite way to show love to my kids to snuggle with them on the couch – everynight before bed time, with my husband is to actually hold hands and flirt, like we were teeagers again and with everyone to be kind and try to give back as much as i can.

  75. My favorite way to show my love is cooking homemade treats and meals <3

  76. some really good snuggles. i married myself a snuggle bunny.

  77. tess says:

    My favorite way to show love is through my art

  78. Andrea says:

    My favorite way to show my kids that I love them is to really listen to them, hug them, and play their favorite games with them!

  79. Karrie says:

    My favorite way to show my love is…to send a personal note or give a little gift to let them know I am thinking about them.

  80. Patty Nitsche says:

    My favorite ways to show love is serving my family with all the love a mom and grandma can give!

  81. Sumer says:

    My favorite way to show love is… kiss, hug, and tell my babies and husband how much I love them as many times I can throughout the day 🙂

  82. Lauren McMasters says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to spend time with my family. I can’t stand to be away from them. Agape 🙂

    Lauren McMasters

  83. elizabeth says:

    My favorite way to show love is to do something totally unexpected, but totally their love language, not mine.

  84. Tanya says:

    I love to do and create special things for others and plan fun ways to spend time together

  85. Erin says:

    My favorite way to show love is snuggly one on one time, be it with the hubs or the kiddos.

  86. Lisa Keeney says:

    My favorite way to show love is… hugging!

  87. Kelly D says:

    My favorite way to show my love is… do things I know are special for the people I love. (Like make pink heart pancakes for my girls this morning!)

  88. Is to give hugs & kisses!!! Awesome giveaway 🙂

  89. Heather Kelly says:

    I like to perform random acts of kindness for my loved ones.

  90. BRon says:

    My favourite way to show my love is lots of hugs and kisses, telling my family I love them and being there when they need me. That goes for my friends too.

  91. Amanda Walker Fleming says:

    My favorite way to show love is…to bake brownies and give hugs!

  92. My favorite way to show my love is…to do for others. My momma always did for others with a gracious heart, and never expecting anything in return. I think that is a wonderful way to show your love.

  93. Kitt Sophia says:

    My favorite way to show love is; doing whatever I can to see to see my loved ones smile. (Baking cookies just for the eight year old in her favorite shape, and color.] Dancing in the rain with the five year old, just because, or cooking my hubby’s favorite dinner)

  94. My favorite way to show love is a with a picnic or balloons or both, each one make everyone I know smile 🙂

  95. melissa sanchez says:

    all steps completed! My favorite way to show my love is… listening. Listening to my husband talk about his day, to my child recite me his favorite books (good night moon, the hungry caterpillar), listening to a friend when they just need someone to talk to…. 🙂

  96. Lesli says:

    My favorite way to show my love is doing nice things for those I love. Simple things that mean a lot.

  97. Molly says:

    I’m on the mailing list and like you on Facebook! My favorite way to show love – romantic and friendly – is with cards and notes!

  98. Dawn says:

    To do random acts of kindness and happies for people, just bc I know it is something simple that will mean a lot to someone.

  99. Sarah says:

    smiling at them so big that they can’t help but smile back. It’s just a great way to spread love.

  100. My fav way to show love is getting those very first hugs and kisses after a deployment. Those are THE BEST butterflies my my stomach 🙂

  101. All Done! And my favorite way to show love is by surprising the ones I love with random little quirky gifts!

  102. Amanda Gillenwater says:

    My favorite way to show my love is… putting those I love before myself.

  103. My favourite way to show my love is by spending quality time with the ones I love 🙂

  104. Jenn K says:

    My favorite way to show love is through going out of my way for people who are special to me.

  105. Meredith Snyder says:

    My favorite way to show love is to tell my husband and two boys everyday and sometimes several times a day that I love them and to shower them with kisses and hugs and cuddles and tickles so they will always know that they are loved.

  106. Adrienne says:

    My favorite way to show love is doing the little things that aren’t necessary but make the day a little bit easier, or calmer, or less stressful for those I love.

  107. My favorite way to show my love is unexpected compliments. Like it was so good to see you today I loved your outfit!

    I’m a new fan and so excited! I signed up and liked you on FB!

  108. My favorite way to show LOVE is by doing something unexpected. Everyone loves surprises! What’s not to love about getting something special??? 🙂

    And I LOVE showing my 3 year old LOVE by giving him smooches!

  109. Yvonne says:

    My favorite way to show love is surprising my family or friends with their favorite goodies just because! I LOVE to see the smiles on their face when it’s so unexpected! : )

  110. Meredith says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by spending time with the people I love and who love me 🙂

  111. Tammy Waida says:

    My favorite way to show my love is with snuggles, hugs and kisses.

  112. Lisa Lyon says:

    My favorite way to show love is……lots of hugs,kisses and I love your, Also clean smelling clothes all the time, listening, and cooking yummy goodies for my loves.

  113. Sue Abrams says:

    My favorite way to show my love…. anticipating the needs of my loved ones, and having “it” ready when they need “it” … whatever “it” is.

  114. Sarah says:

    …is to sing I love you a bushel and a peck with my kids 😉

  115. Jessica Lynn says:

    My favorite way is by showing kindness to others and giving hugs and smiles!!!!:)

  116. Already a fan 🙂 My favorite way to show love is {cuddle time}, while piled on the couch with my kiddos. Oh, and butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses and BIG squeezes!! Sigh. It is the very best!

  117. Rachel Irish says:

    My Favorite Way to show my love is…the little things, notes unexpected acts of kindness…cliche yes, but meaningful!!! My kids love getting a note or an unexpected hug!!! So does my hubby or a phone call mid day just to say hi!

    I’ve completed the other steps as well, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the giveaway. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

  118. Megan says:

    My favorite way to show love is to do unexpected things for others, whether it be delivering meals, writing a note, small gifts for others, etc!

  119. audi says:

    I aspire to show love by being… by being engaged, focused, grateful and true when with those I love.

    Thank you for this blog, I consider myself a passionate apprentice of this craft, without resources such as you, I would still be on A, without much chance of finesse… <3

  120. Melissa says:

    My favorite way to show love is through random acts of kindness. I love to see delight on another’s face because of something that made them feel better! 🙂 Whether it’s a complement or a gift or a beautiful photograph!

  121. My favorite way to show love is by random acts of kindness. If I’m shooting an engagement session for a young couple, I will surprise them with a discount on their session or prints, as well as some little extras along the way. If possible I grab something from the location such as a flower or leaf to add to their scrapbook page as a way to remind them what it was like.

  122. Is by spending time. Whether its reading books, cuddling or just sitting quietly listening.

  123. My family and I always say I love you before bed and before leaving each other. Hugs and kisses are a must as well. 🙂

  124. Emily says:

    My favorite way to show my love is food! I love making food for my family and friends:).

  125. Ashley Ahola says:

    My favorite way to show love is through giving, giving to my family, to my friends, to my customers, Just giving everyday my all.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway I love it, good luck everyone.

  126. Katrina Rich says:

    offering sessions to my best of freinds!

  127. Alicia says:

    My favorite way to show my love is:

    Cooking my family’s favorite meals, lots of hugs, and showing interest in their lives…friends, school, and the things they love.

  128. Wendy H says:

    My favorite way to show love is in the little things. Remembering a favorite meal, throwing a load of laundry in without being asked, or simply giving an encouraging word.

  129. pam says:

    My favorite way to show my love is with lots of kisses and snuggles and bear hugs to my two favorite little people in the world, my kids.

  130. Lindy says:

    Already a fan, and signed up on your website! 🙂 my favorite way to show love is to live in the moment.

  131. Julie Hughes says:

    My favorite way to show my love is…little surprises…a package of goodies for my daughter in college in San Diego, a sweatshirt for my daughter that is a high school senior, a trip to the park for my darling four year old son, a yummy crock pot dinner for my husband <3

  132. Christine says:

    …to give lots of hugs and kisses and lots of snuggle time, especially to the kids! Love the giveaway! Thank you!!

  133. Cristal Lane says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to help out how i can with someone who needs pictures if they cant afford to get there own. With times being hard parents have hard times wih doing for there children and if I can help with that I will.

  134. Kym Boswell says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to do random things, when no one expects it!

  135. stacey pettitt says:

    …..By telling each of my loved ones why I think they are unique and special. I love to see my kid’s (or husband’s) faces light up as I go through that list of qualities that I love about him/her.

  136. Angela Kniery says:

    What a great give away! My favorite way to show love is to be attentive, listen, they are the most important person! Spending time and listening are the greatest gift I can give or receive!

  137. I’m already a huge fan! 🙂 My favorite way to show LOVE is sharing little unexpected things – a note in the lunchbag, a special dessert with heart-shaped sprinkles, or a surprise mommy-daughter ‘date’ for lunch or ice cream. <3

    Thank you for this amazing giveaway! You rock!

  138. kimi says:

    ….by putting all of my heart into my photography & capturing great moments in time for friends/family/clients. =)

  139. Heidi Lawson says:

    My favorite way to show my love is with a surprise of some sort ~ an outing, a little gift, my time … I just love surprises :).

  140. Emily b says:

    My favorite way to show love is snuggling my handsome baby boy

  141. Mindy says:

    Leaving special little notes or doing special little things that make the other person feel loved. 😉

  142. I subscribed to your email list 🙂

  143. My favorite way to show love is by specialized gifts, like finding the perfect surprise gifts that shows that I really know the person and care about them

  144. Giulia Smith says:

    Already a fan, and a subscriber 🙂 My favorite way to show love is cuddles, snuggles and giggles!

  145. Erin Wheeler says:

    My favorite way to show love is to spend time with each other…and cuddle 🙂

  146. laura ellis says:

    lauramayzing photography followed the steps and i want to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  147. Alisha Brown says:

    I subscribed to emailing list

  148. Alisha Brown says:

    I am a fan on Facebook

  149. Alisha Brown says:

    My favorite way to show love is to simply listen, be there, be honest and loyal!

  150. My favorite way to show love is with an unexpected hand written note.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  151. Jennifer says:

    Hey! FAB giveaway!!! My favorite way to show love would be to spend time with those I love! There’s nothing more valuable than time! We as photographers know that for sure! Thanks for investing in our lives! You ROCK! =)

  152. Summer Rose says:

    My favorite way to show love is to consistently tell them and do little things that remind them over and over how much they are loved by me!

  153. Megan says:

    My favorite way to show love to give a gift that is unexpected. It can be anything from baked goods to music, but it is always something personalized or hand made just for that person.

  154. Claire says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by doing quality time together – whatever time means the most to the person I am loving on! =)

  155. Kylie Howes says:

    My favorite way to show love is through the little things.

  156. Vangie Taylor says:

    My favorite way to show my love is giving someone a big smackeroo on the cheek : ) lol… just kidding!

    I think my favorite way to show my love are the little things on a day to day basis. Just like everyday my Savior shows HIs love for me!!

  157. Caroline Staton says:

    My Favorite way to show love is to help those in need.

  158. I show my love everyday by never saying goodbye or good morning with out a hug and kiss. Also, giving my full attention and cuddling with my family. My son still loves to cuddle at 10 and of course my fiance loves to be touched and close, so there is lots of love in our house!

  159. Bethany Shirk says:

    I’ve subscribed and liked your page/updated my status to brag about your awesome giveaway! My favorite way to show my love is through writing. These days a letter, a note, a postcard or a simple “I love you” on a sticky note on your hubby’s steering wheel is going out of style. Sadly, most people don’t even know how to write thank you notes these days. It’s one of those things, like photographs, that we can cherish for years to come!

  160. Heather says:

    I have already done the first steps 🙂 here is my answer to the last one… My favorite way to show my love is through acts of kindness. Letting my loved ones know that I am thinking of them. all those little things 🙂

  161. Gina Hamilton says:

    My fav way to show love is a big ole genuine hug 🙂

  162. My favorite way to show love is through affection 🙂

  163. Jamie Pogue says:

    My favorite way to show love is to give back….sometimes I give to much, but I know it makes them fell good and it makes ME feel good!

  164. I am am subscriber, fan & follower!!

    I show my love by always kissing & hugging my husband & children often…followed by with signing “I Love You”, also our morning ritual ♥

  165. Valerie Russell says:

    My favorite way to show LOVE is to…make others around me happy…to make them feel special, cared for & appreciated. Saying something nice, leaving a little note, a special unexpected gift, their favorite food,or just spending time together<3 When i can give Love…it makes me feel loved!

  166. Dania Echevarria says:

    I completed all the steps! and may I say i love your everything!!! 🙂

    My favorite way to show love is: HUGS! i love giving hugs to people, even more when I can feel in my heart they need them!

    God has been so good to me, it is just a cause an effect thing, I love, because He loved me first!

  167. JenC says:

    My favorite way to show love is to give, serve, help, and uplift! If I can make someone else smile & happy then I have done my job.

    (p.s. thanks for this great giveaway)

  168. Dee says:

    My favorite way to show love is to give. And give wholeheartedly without any hope of reciprocation.

  169. Sarah Taylor says:

    my favourite way to show love is to always document the big and little moments in my families live through photography.

  170. Saydi Atnip says:

    I’ve completed all the steps!
    My favorite way to show my love is with hugs and kisses 🙂 XOXO

  171. Jamie Brown says:

    I am a subscriber, fan & follower as well!
    I shared your links on facebook & just downloaded the free easter mini, thank you! Congrats on 8,000+ fans, keep up the great work!
    My favorite way to show Love is to, bake sweet treats for my man and throw outrageous parties for my boys on their birthdays. I’m also very affectionate & love to snuggle & cuddle up as often as I can. ♥

  172. I’ve done all of the steps and now… My favorite way to show love is to listen earnestly and have honest communication. When I think about this I think of my children because that is who I spend most of my time with every day… And they deserve that! When I do this, we are all so much happier! 🙂


    Trois allumettes, une à une allumées dans la nuit
    La première pour voir ton visage tout entier
    La seconde pour voir tes yeux
    La dernière pour voir ta bouche
    et l’obscurité toute entière pour me rappeler tout cela
    en te serrant dans mes bras.
    Jacques Prévert

  174. Valena David says:

    My favorite way to show love is to be myself.

  175. Debbie says:

    My favorite way to show love is… giving of my time.

    I HAVE DONE ALL THE STEPS. 😀 What a great giveaway!


  176. My favorite way to show love is to snuggle with my sweet baby girls, and tell them how much I {LOVE} them!

  177. Kelly Morin says:

    with lots of squeeze hugs, and kisses, and cuddle time!

  178. Amy Martell says:

    ….by giving everything I have, into everything I do!

    This is a great giveaway, Im excited about it!

  179. Yana K says:

    with lots of snuggle moments and hand crafted gifts 🙂

  180. Beth says:

    with lots of hugs, kisses and creating special memories!!

  181. Pauline says:

    by creating a fabulous meal to share with my family. I love to have family dinners together to discuss our day.

  182. Heather says:

    My favorite way to show love to my family, is to find ways to provide for them while still being able to be there for them the best way possible.

    Thanks for the opportunity for such a great giveaway.

  183. Erica Hager says:

    my favorite way to show love is through little acts of kindness

  184. Tera Larson says:

    My favorite way to show love is making unique handmade gifts for my friends and family 🙂

  185. Kerri says:

    My favorite way to show love is by giving my son hugs & telling him I love him. It’s good for the soul.

  186. Sarah Swade says:

    steps complete. My favorite way to show my love is with lots of hugs, kisses and listening. 🙂

  187. Molly says:

    My favorite way to show love is sharing my dark chocolate bar:)

  188. Tanja says:

    Always kisses and hugs and sending notes of encouragement when you know someone needs them most.

  189. Laura says:

    My favorite way to show love is to give hugs & kisses to my two boys and then make them a batch of no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies! (That’s when they know I really love them!) 🙂

  190. Emily says:

    my favorite way to show my love is through food and then phography

  191. Marika says:

    My favorite way to show my love is a hug.

  192. emily says:

    My favorite way to show my love is – to bake or cook someone something special.

  193. Kelly Cortes says:

    My favorite way to show love is by acts of appreciation.

  194. Lyndsey says:

    My favorite way to show love is by finding little, unsuspected ways to bring a smile to someone’s face.

  195. Yesie says:

    My favorite way to show my love is:

    Open your heart, no safety walls required.

  196. …my favorite way to show my love is by helping others !!

  197. Debbie says:

    My most favorite way to show love is to give my full attention and time to my loved ones….which, as a single mom & freelance photographer is at a premium. <3

  198. Kelly says:

    My favorite way to sh

  199. Jenn says:

    My favorite way to show love is lots and lots of hugs and making sure I am always telling my loved ones that “I love you”. Happy Valentines Day!!

  200. Kelly says:

    My favorite way to show love is baking for others! I love seeing their faces when I surprise them with treats!

  201. My favorite way to show love is saying it! and the most important: giving back 🙂

  202. Leah says:

    My favorite way to show love is to find out what that someone’s personal “love language” is, and to do something for them that goes along with <3

  203. Kathy Odom says:

    I like to give compliments and make others feel good about themselves and when I talk to someone I try to let them know that I’m really listening and what they say matters to me.

  204. Stephanie says:

    I think showing love is an everyday thing…its the little notes in the kids lunch box, a few extra steps to make someone smile, or the call/txt out of nowhere to say you love them. There are so many negatives in the world everyone could use a little love!

  205. My most favorite way to show love is… Through giving! The Lord has given me so much and I love to see other people’s lives blessed by what He has given me. 🙂

  206. Val says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to pay attention to the little things (and do lot’s of them.) EX: A love note in a lunch box, making sure you have their favorite snack, a hug and I love you at random unexpected times, fully listening and not judging.

  207. Kirsty says:

    My favorite way to show love is to be love….and live with gratitude <3

  208. Evelyn Weed says:

    …… Is any little something (usually homemade baked goods) to say I am thinking of you.

  209. Nichole L says:

    My favorite way to show My Love is…

    … to always be the shoulder to lean on or the ear to bend and always willing to drop anything for a much needed hug and an ‘I Love You’.

  210. Ariana says:

    My favorite way to show love…is hugs! I hug everyone, at every chance I get. I love hugs and they can relieve stress for people. Everyone always feels warm and goey after a hug. 😉

  211. Monica Salinas says:

    I want that lil camera charm so bad its the cutest lil thing i have ever seen!!!

  212. stefani says:

    ….is to smile and nod 😉

  213. heather says:

    My favorite way to show my love is… with a smile!

  214. Brenda M says:

    My favorite way to show my love is giving kisses like crazy! <3

  215. Patricia Guinn says:

    Over the past 25 years, since I was pregnant with my daughter, I started keep a journal for each of my kids and grandkids, I have a daughter who is 24 and my son is 17. I have 2 beautiful granddaughter ages 4 and 19 mts. No, I haven’t written in them every single day but may daughter I started writting to her while I was pregnant tell her about all the things I was feeling, my hopes and dreams for her, doctor’s visits. As events happen, personal and well as world events happen I would document it with a newspaper clipping or a picture. I have done the exact same thing with my son. I’ve only recently given my daughter her first volume of all the journals that I have written to her. I know for some people they may feel as if its too much. My children are a part of me and by writting them these journals they may better come to understand the person that I am, learn from my mistakes but most of all know how much that I love them

  216. Bernice says:

    My Favourite way to show my love is with a laugh 🙂

  217. My favorite way to show my love is by helping others in every aspect I can! Recently, a local child diagnosed with brain cancer had a wish to go to Disney. I went with that family and photographed those memories that I hope will last them a lifetime!

  218. Hugs – lots of hugs. I am a hugger. If I LOVE you I will HUG you.

  219. I love that you said to keep it PG. 🙂

    why kisses and hugs of course!

  220. My favorite way to show my love is to be there for the person when they need me most and to just be kind always.

  221. Tiffany says:

    I am a FAN of EVERYTHING! I adore this giveaway too!! Yay!!! I show love by listening and trying to make sure those I love…know I love them!

  222. Listening. It’s amazing what a little eye-contact and a listening ear can do to boost someone up and remind them of how truly valuable and loved they really are. I see the spark in my children’s eyes each time I purposely stop whatever it is I’m doing and establish that connection with them. Makes our world go ’round. Makes everything else fall into it’s rightful place.

  223. Dani says:

    To always say I love you, don’t go a day without a kiss or hug, and to always be there even if they don’t want me to be 🙂

  224. Shelly says:

    My favorite way to show love is by being there for whomever needs me.

  225. My favorite way to show my lOve is in the little things, those daily tasks that are often forgotten and overlooked. I just try to remember to be caring and compassionate in EVERYTHiNG I do. There is no greater gift to give than your love!

  226. Liz Stabbert says:

    I’m a hugger, at least for my man 😉 I also love making things for my loved ones, be it foods or fun little gifts 🙂

  227. Tricia Bastian says:

    My favorite wayS to show love is by hugs, kisses, i love you’s, dinner ready, reading books to my children, being there to take care of their ouchies. I think love is shown in everything you do.

  228. Rosie Owen says:

    My favorite way to show love is by doing special little things such as buying an unexpected treat for my children or husband or planning a play date or a picnic at the park.

  229. Tasha says:

    Ah Leah. I never enter these give a ways because there are so many people that enter and I feel like I never have a chance…but I was so taken with you and your happy and fun personality at WPPI a few years ago that I had to at least try. Your fun blog and the colors sucked me in today.

    Lateley I have felt so detached from the outside world that I have found I am turning to blogs and reading to uplift me spiritually and mentally.

    I went thru the tutorial today of the newsletter you created and I have to look into purchasing the newsletter marketing set. I had no idea your site had so much to offer? I think it will take me outside my comfort zone and allowing my clients to get to know me and that I really do care about them and not for just in hopes of a purchase.

    But I have to say…I love this giveaway and the idea behind it. But…the best way I know to show love is…. to just be there for someone. Its not just those you care about – but those that you come in contact with in everyday life as well.

    Last Aug I lost an uncle to colon cancer and had not been in contact with my aunt in years. From the time of diagnosis to his death it was just 2 weeks. But whether you are closely or distantly touched by that ugly disease, it changes your outlook on life and what TRULY is important.

    So even though I am horrible texter…I knew that was what my aunt and cousin needed the most with the loss of a husband and father. Just a daily check-in to let them know I was thinking of them. I knew the days following the funeral would get to be the hardest.

    And I have found…that 2 close relationships once lost, have been rekindled deeper than they ever were before. And I dare say…even though it was an unspeakable tragidy in our family, it has found a silver lineing. This simple yet profound service shows them more love than I could ever show by just sending flowers, paying them a visit, or giving advice.

    I have chosen to turn this tragedy into one that will benefit those I come in contact with on a daily basis. And by doing so – I do hope I will make the difference in the life of someone.

    Even though I am just one little post in your ‘sea’ of posts and followers, I am grateful I had the opportunity to get a glimpse of that little icon that said ‘monthly giveaway’. :o)

  230. Sierra Storm Thomas says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by hand writing all my letters to my boyfriend (Who is in the Army)

  231. Tiffany S. says:

    Completed all steps. Thanks so much.
    The way I show my love is to remember to be present in the simple, everyday moments with my beautiful daughter!! And of course, shower her with hugs and kisses!

  232. Megan Rogers says:

    How I show love is …. I have always been the one to buy surprises and leave them on your door and never tell you I did it. I love hearing my friends get excited and trying to figure it out 🙂 I am a giver for sure.

  233. Manasac says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to give them things that are precious to me when they ask for it. ^_^v

  234. Jodi Krautkramer says:

    Completed all of the steps!!.. My favorite way to show love is to give back. Loving someone/something, is showing your appreciation, giving when least expected, and saying words that can make a world of a difference!

  235. Rebekah Lyn says:

    I show love by making sure i spend time with those i love and those who love me.

  236. Billy says:

    My daughter said she loves my bear hugs 🙂
    …..and reading stories

  237. kim minyard says:

    my favorite way to show love is to – just to be there when someone needs me.

  238. Emily Reed says:

    Completed all of the steps! now: My favorite way to show love, is by song. My husband has an amazing voice (sounds like Johnny Cash) and our thing is to sing the kinks, bob dylan and johnny cash to each other. Gives me butterflies just thinking of it.

  239. Keri B says:

    i show my love by doing something special for someone that I know they would love and appreciate and make them smile…priceless 🙂

  240. Emily says:

    My favorite way to show love is through small,kind, everyday gestures.
    Little things go a long way.

  241. Renee Turpin says:

    My favorite way to show my love is to help out my friends and family.

  242. Theresa J says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by being here everyday and support my family in all endeavors.

  243. My favorite way to show love is by cooking for those near & dear to me. And sneak attack hugs.

  244. With a personalized gift :o)

  245. Traci D. says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by making fabulous meals and desserts for my family. Then we all eat together at the dining room table. Great memories and conversation!!

  246. Katelyn C. says:

    My favorite way to show my love is spending time with people, make them feel good in any way I can, and just to love them.

  247. My favorite way to show love is to give things away… much like this freebie, to show my fans how much I love them I often do “freebies”. As far as my family goes… showing my love is an everyday things. Hugs and kisses through out the day, random “I love you’s” and making sure I surprise them often with their favorite things! <3<3<3

  248. Tracy P says:

    My favorite way to show love is to do unexpected things for the ones I care for. Maybe a small token left for them to find, photographing family/friends at no charge, or making them something special.

  249. Alyssa says:

    ….to serve others! I think in this world that is soooo busy, it’s easy to overlook needs of those around us. If we stop and look around, we’ll surely see someone who is in need of something.

  250. Christa Perala says:

    My favorite way to show love is through hugs amd kisses and acts of kindness for my husband and little girl. 🙂

  251. Kari Neff says:

    My favorite way to show love is……to be the rock in the lives who can not be solid for themselves. To continue to find good in the worst of situations. To always give praise especially when those can not praise themselves. 🙂

  252. amy says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by listening. Really listening.

  253. My favorite way to show love is by giving lots of hugs & kisses & leaving little ‘I love you’ notes in unexpected places. It’s the little gestures that matter the most in my family =)

  254. My favorite way to show love is by doing little things that are unexpected, like suprising them with their favorite treats or gifts.

  255. Heidi Campbell says:

    Completed each step… =)
    My Favorite way to show my love is by always being there for those I love during the good times and the bad, whether you need a shoulder to cry on, and ear to listen, a friend to just laugh with, someone to pray for you or anything else… I’m there. =)

  256. Denise Contreras says:

    My Favorite way to show my love is with kisses and hugs 🙂

  257. …give my family my undivided attention.

  258. Lynn C says:

    My way to show my love is to listen, really listen to those who I love. So much is lost when you don’t take the time to give your undivided attention to those who you love!

  259. Veronica says:

    I spend time with my kiddos and try to capture every moment

  260. Brittany L. says:

    My favorite way to show my love is hugging the people I care about every time I see them at least twice.

  261. My favorite way to show my love is by doing things for my family and friends that I know will make them happy and brighten their day, when they least expect it!

  262. Tina Slis says:

    ….kissing my daughter while she is sleeping and seeing her smile in her sleep. So cute.

  263. Alyssa Plunkett says:

    My favorite way to show my love is by telling the person how much I truly love and adore them!

  264. leah says:

    Spending time with those I love.

  265. I show my cute kiddos love by giving squirrel kisses! Its something my husband came up with, but basically, you get real close to their ear, and make little clicking and whisper noises! They LOVE it!

    Thanks for a beautiful wonderful giveaway!

you said:

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