I was introduced to Stephanie & Tammy through Pinterest… Gotta love that place! At first I was just loving the studio but as I began to explore… I found that there was a lot more to love! This fabulous sister duo is creating wonderful family memories not only for themselves but also their clients. Take a seat, grab a cup of hot chocolate and get to know the girls behind Luminosity Photography.
Tell us what it’s like working together as sisters *have you always gotten along?
We are seven years apart! So growing up we would have never guessed that we would end up best friends and business partners in life!
We love working together! We are always together in fact. We live 2 doors away from each other and have traveled the country over the last 10 years with a
Christian music group. We are together every day of the year! We get a long very well and have figured that it’s important to be honest when there is a disagreement because a good healthy relationship is always more important!
Do you do it all together or do you have certain areas you each focus on?
We both shoot and edit. However Tammy has been doing design work for quite some time now…Tammy is definitely more of the design side of Luminosity. We both attend all shoots and proofing sessions. We focus on the whole experience for our clients and we work best together!
With you each having your own families, how do you keep everything in balance?
Balance is probably the greatest ingredient in anything you set out to do! Thankfully the music group we are in is a family group and our families are always together! We have been blessed to work along side our husbands out side of our photography business and that has helped us in maintaining balance with family time and the photography. We do try our best to only work while the children are in school or not at home.
Tell us about the choice to go to a studio!
We have always dreamed of having a studio. Living in the North East we don’t have the luxury of shooting all year outside. We always wanted a place indoor that had natural light especially for newborns. We had a place that was great but it was just too small for anything more than a newborn shoot! We dreamed and prayed for a few years of a studio home of our own! We really want Luminosity to be an experience for people and not just a time to get pictures for their home. We love having our clients come into our studio and just feeling welcomed and relaxed. We want them to feel at home and you just can’t make someone feel at home if you don’t.
What has been your best marketing idea to date?
We won’t lie..we are working on our marketing! We are just now coming off of the road full time and this year will be our first year at home to really be able to focus on the photography business and watch it grow. In the past we were gone so much of the year that we didn’t really market much because we couldn’t handle more business! We did recently run a contest on facebook and that really boosted our facebook fans. We are now on the feeds of so many more people then before the contest!

Connect with Stephanie & Tammy on FACEBOOK, TWITTER & their SITE!
wow! Incredible studio!!!
Gorgeous sisters, beautiful studio!
Swoon-worthy! The light…I can only imagine!
Wow that is GORGEOUS studio space!!! What music group are they a part of? The link didn’t work…
Beautiful studio!
Holy smokes, AMAZING!!!
[…] Leah Remillet […]