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How to stop talking and start doing with SMART Goals

If only my office was in the shower…. I always get my most brilliant ideas in the shower. I’m like an idea factory when standing in that little box! Strategies, schemes and dreams flowing out as abundantly as the water that splashes down on my freshly conditioned head.

Sometime I feel like Dug, the dog from Up… Because off I go in one determined and focused path until BAM — “Squirrel!” gets me again!

I’m constantly working at and refining my abilities to stay on task and see my ideas and goals actually come to fruition. One way of doing this is through SMART Planning.

S.M.A.R.T is an acronym for strategic and accountable goal planning. It’s a concept to help give specific direction to our vision.

The concept: Be SMART and you will be able to set goals that are obtainable so you can see your success. Of course we all have the same goal in mind: To Be Successful! The flaw of that particular goal is being too broad. We have to remember all the little baby steps to earning the achievement. And perhaps even more important, to realize that what you measure as successful may not be what I measure as successful.


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timely
The Take Away:
Your goals need to be Specific, Significant, and Simple. Make sure you can answer the common questions Who, What, When, Where, Why.
Can your goals be Measured? You need to have some idea of how much money, resources, or time it will take you. It will help you stay on track!
Set goals that are ambitious but Attainable. You need to know how to achieve it in order to own this concept.
Goals need to be Relevant in order to make them worthwhile.
Schedule Time frames and target dates. Tracking your progress will only lead you to success!
Now let’s look at our original goal: TO BE SUCCESSFUL! It’s much easier said than done right? You could break that down into categories. For example, maybe you’re asking, ‘what do I need to have a successful photography business?’
  1. Establish Clientele
  2. Functional Website
  3. Master Lighting & Posing
  4. Organize Office
  5. Get a New Lens
  6. Best way to have an ordering appointment
  7. Smooth Scheduling

So, with those you can just take one: BEST WAY TO HAVE AN ORDERING APPOINTMENT. It is a specific goal that you need to challenge with the w’s. Who will teach you about a successful ordering appointment? (Schedule coaching call with Leah!). What are the tools you will need? When do you want to implement this? Where will these take place?  And the why is fairly obvious; because you want to make money doing what you love!

You can measure the goal by setting a timeline. When would you like to schedule your first ordering appointment? How much time will you need to prepare? Those factors will determine when you need to schedule your coaching call with me by! Make sure that the dates you set will be a reasonable time in the future. This specific goal is attainable and relevant right now and with the higher sales you would be able to work on other goals like #6. The New Lens!

The final aspect of SMART Goals is to Evaluate and Reevaluate the goals you have set and the progress you are making. Let’s be SMART together and start setting goals that can help measure our success!



  1. Beryl says:

    I have no heard this term since my college days as of member of the Circle K community service club. We spent countless planning days and workshop seminars learning all about SMART goals and its AMAZING what putting them into practice did for our club. SMART goals are a awesome way to begin goal setting and planning for business too. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂

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