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How to use QR Codes as a Photographer

Scan this code to be the first to be part of the new fabulous & free…

(You gotta Scan to find out!)

What is it? 

You may have started to notice these on brochures and postcards, in magazine ads and on packaging.They’re called QR Codes and they are a 2 dimensional bar code that has been embedded with information such as a URL, text, coupons, special promotions & more!

How do you read a QR Code?

You read them with your smart phone by holding your camera up to the image while using a special QR code reader app.

If you have a smart phone, just go into your app store and search QR reader. I downloaded the free app ‘QR Reader’ on my iPhone 4S.

Once the app been installed onto your smart phone, you’ll be able to scan the code using your camera and import the embedded data, which will most likely be a URL linking you to a specific page. But it could also be contact information, coupons or a special message. (btw – the one up above has been linked with a special message by me!)

How to Generate QR Codes?

When cool new things begin emerging, try being one of the first to jump on board. It’s new and mysterious, so most people may just look at it and think ‘wow, she much be doing really good to have those,’ while others – the trendsetters – will be excited to get to use their fun new gadget with you.

You can create your own FREE QR CODES through companies such as goqr and delivr and you can find many more with a simple Google search.

How can QR Codes help your Photography Business? 

  1. Create a video that tells about you and your business and have the URL point to the direct YouTube or Vimeo link!
  2. Create a Connection Card for Facebook Fan Page, Twitter and RSS Feeds with
  3. Place a QR Code in your studio waiting area and attach it to a fun puzzle or game for the kids!
  4. Direct the QR Code to a Free Photo that Clients can use as their Phone’s Wallpaper!
  5. Create a unique code for clients to be able to share sneak peeks with their friends and family!
  6. Create a QR Code to Direct People to sign up for your Email Newsletter!
  7. Use a QR code that links to your next mini session promotion!
  8. If you have a studio, you could have the code link to a map to direct people right to your studio address!
  9. Place the code on the back of a business card, postcard or brochure for a special offer or more information!
  10. Print the code on your business card to link it to your Facebook Fan Page!


What do you think? Going to try to use them? Have you already been scanning? Have more ideas on how to use them in your business? Leave a comment and share! 



  1. Louisa says:

    Had to comment, you must have read my mind! I was just asking my husband the other day how do I get a ‘square barcode thingy’. I’m hoping to link to my website from adverts I’m hoping to put up around town. Thanks for this post!!

  2. Justiss says:

    how have these worked for you? I’m curious to understand how one uses these with their business?

    • Hey Justiss, I gave some ideas on how to use them at the bottom of the post. I haven’t used them yet for photography BUT I did just try one at the top of this post and am getting great feedback and have been implementing them into my husbands practice with him. I think they are still really new so they probably won’t get huge reactions right now but it’s better to be on the cutting edge as apposed to chasing after everyone who’s already been figuring “it” (whatever “it” currently happens to be) out for a while.

  3. Me too! What is it they say about great minds? ; ) Thanks, Leah, for helping us all stay at the top of our game.

  4. Very cool use of the QR code in your post Leah! Love it.

  5. Amy Pinney says:

    I put one on a magazine cover print I designed for a senior client (instead of the barcode). Later the client came to me so excited about that little detail, going on about how they noticed it, wondered if it worked and where it went, and about how they showed everyone how cool that was! 🙂 I’m dreaming up other places to put them now…

you said:

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