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Intro Price Extended… And Why


I will be **extending the introductory price** for The Thriving Photographer until Wednesday, July 18th.

You can find out all about our cart crashing fiasco underneath, but the bottom line is this… If you missed it and you’re kicking yourself for it… You can (and should) stop! This is your lucky day; you have ONE MORE CHANCE!


Over the weekend, our brand new spiffy shopping cart program lost it’s spiff! Everyone’s orders were being declined, and my email was lighting up like a Christmas tree. I was pretty much stuck until Monday because the support I needed wasn’t available until then.

On Monday morning, I woke up at 6am, went for my run, and then settled in for a long day trying to get everything sorted out. As of 3:36pm yesterday, I had entered every single order manually and processed all of the emails myself. I had spoken to both PayPal and our shopping cart programmers over twelve times… And they still insist it’s the fault of the other!

At long last, I clicked “send” on the final THRIVE download-related email and successfully got a test transaction to process correctly. And then… I decided I really – really – needed some chocolate. Unfortunately (or some might say fortunately), I’ve been eating healthier lately, which sadly meant that there was no easily-accessible chocolate. And this left me with only one option… Make. My. Own.

I made the cookies as fast as I could, because – like I said – I  really needed that chocolate! As I finally bit into the very first one, I realized I had grabbed the wrong container of oats. I had made crunchy, chewy No-Bake Cookies with old fashioned oats instead of quick oats. Yuck!!

… So I did what any rationally sane individual would do…

I sat down and suffered through the whole chewy mess of them. Oh the torture. {wink}

Because of all of that… and in response to all of the emails…

I will be extending the introductory price for The Thriving Photographer until **Wednesday, July 18th**.

For anyone who was trying to process their transaction but couldn’t complete the order, I am so sorry and genuinely thank you for being so persistent in your efforts and for your incredible patience!! And for those who just happened to have lost track of time and missed the deadline? Well… it’s your lucky day!




  1. Tabitha says:

    I’m actually glad you wrote this because I thought it was just me! I, too, had problems placing my order online and then went to pay with PayPal instead and had problems with them too. So glad it wasn’t just me and extra glad that you’ve gotten everything sorted out. So stressful for you I’m sure! 🙂

you said:

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