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Corporate Job vs. Photography Business


Does it get better???
Yes and no.
Yes, it can get 100,000 times better (seriously!) – if you structure and operate your business like, well, a business.  But for many – no, it doesn’t.  Because they never really make that transition to “professional.”
They may call themselves a professional, but they don’t treat themselves or their business as such.  And the effects are obvious.
Do I get clients who ask for deals?  I can’t remember the last time that happened, so I’ll say pretty easily, ‘No.’  But everything I say, do and portray is, “business.”
Did I use to get people who asked for deals?  OH MY WORD, YES!  But I was lacking confidence, structure…  Honestly, I was lacking pretty much everything, and people could feel that – so it’s really no surprise that they didn’t take me seriously.
Because I, myself, didn’t take me seriously – I just didn’t know how to… yet.
Ultimately, you have to decide if this (being a professional photographer) is what you really want.  If it is… If it’s ‘the thing’ that you would choose to be or to do above anything else… Then you need to decide what kind of photographer you’ll be.  Are you going to stumble along and just try to make it up as you go along?  Do you have thick enough skin for that?  Because when you do it that way, you get called out – a lot!
Or do you want to be taken seriously?  Do you want to not just say you’re a professional photographer, but actually feel it in your bones?  If that’s what you want – really, really want (because it takes hard work!) – then The Thriving Photographer will walk you through, step by step, exactly how to do it.
The Thriving Photographer is an investment; those who are ready to take themselves seriously realize that every business in the world needs to invest in itself to thrive.  And this investment is the first step to proving to yourself that you are not only worth it, but that you’re betting your hard-earned dollars on the fact that you can do this.
On the other hand, those who are still stuck in that cycle of not being ready to be treated like a professional?  Will always find a reason why they can’t.  I literally sold stuff on Craigslist and Ebay to make my dream happen, because I knew with everything in me that failure was not going to be an option.  I needed to give myself the best possible advantages to ensure success.  Now I’ve taken everything I’ve leaned, implemented, proven and developed and packaged it up into one program for photographers who really are ready to thrive.
So what do you say?  As you read this, did something stir?  Did you feel the fire building and the desire being strengthened?  Of course… it would have probably been mixed with fear, and that’s good, because it means you’re sane!  Or… as you read it, did you feel that you wanted something safer than this, that it sounded too hard?  Does it feel better to imagine being able to go to work, put in your hours, and then be able to walk away and leave work behind you?  {If it does… Wear that truth proudly. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad for that (especially not yourself)!  In fact, you should be commended for being honest with yourself and finding your true desire!}
The most important thing you can do for yourself is to make a decision – because only then will you finally get the chance to fly.



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