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The Thriving Photographer’s Retreat – SOLD OUT

I was driving by myself… which, as every mom knows, almost never happens.  So there I was with a 3-hour drive in front of me that I was actually looking forward to.  I had been eager to get on the road because I was finally going to have time to think.  And I had only one thought on my mind…

How can I prove to more women that they can do this?

How can I reach more photographer’s and show them what really and truly is possible?

My mind reeled through my own personal memory clips.  I’d picked up a camera only a few years earlier.  Back then I didn’t have a clue – not one – when it came to becoming a professional photographer.  I’d never even picked up a DSLR before.  Heck… I didn’t even know the term “DSLR” yet.

But I had an idea.  And it was crazy.

I wanted to become a professional photographer.  Who does that?!?  Who decides to become a professional photographer when they’ve never even held anything better than a point and shoot in their hands?  Who decides that this is a good idea when they have a husband in graduate school and  3 kids under the age of 4?  What kind of crazy do you have to be in order to think that not only is this a good idea, but that it’s actually going to work?  But I wanted it so badly that I had to try.  And I knew somewhere deep inside, that I wasn’t the only one.

Four years later, as the darkness fell behind me, I considered how far I have come and where I am now – creating an experience for my clients that they just can’t get enough of, while averaging $2,000 sales and working with my dream rolodex in front of me.  And this has all happened in our current ‘less than optimal’ economy!  I could barley believe it, myself.  But there is one thing I knew unequivocally.

If I could do it, so can you.

I have been sharing my techniques and teaching my framework to photographers from all over the world, and the results are absolutely incredible.  But this fact has only served to make me even more committed to reaching even more photographers.

Especially women.

I drove through the darkness, trying to figure out how I could have a greater impact in the lives of women.  How I could prove to busy moms – those who often feel they are drowning as they try to balance home, kids, carpool and this dream that most of the time they experience guilt even having…  I had to show them that they could have passion, profit and enough time to be the wife and mother that God wants them to be.

And that’s when the idea sparked.  My mind raced, and my heart was pounding.  I recorded all of my thoughts through the voice memo app on my phone, and just kept spilling out my desires for what this program would be.  I didn’t want to leave anything out.  I wanted it to have absolutely everything a photographer would need to thrive.  And…

The Thriving Photographer™ was launched in March of this year.

Already more than two-hundred photographers from all over the world have begun this journey.  I am committed to these photographers.  I want them to succeed.  They deserve to feel confident as entrepreneurs and safe in their own ability to provide as women.  These women are not just my students, they are my friends.

We laugh together. We cry together. We celebrate success together.

And now we will join together in Florida to play, learn, grow and celebrate what they’ve accomplished.  What we’ve accomplished.  The Thriving Photographer’s Retreat is only available to members of The Thriving Photographer™ Program.  

And this retreat sold out in 2 days.

I can not wait!  This is truly something special.  We already know each other through the private Thriving Photographer Facebook Group.  We are friends, joined together with the common goal to thrive as creative entrepreneurs.  We will be flying in from all corners to spend one amazing weekend together in a 7,000+ sq foot mansion.  Learning, growing and planning for even bigger successes.

Additional retreats are in the works for 2013.  If you’re ready to see what’s really possible, we’d love to welcome you as a thriving photographer.

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Are you ready for more?  I’m determined to prove to as many photographers as will let me that you can have passion, profits and time for a great life.  I create six-figure photographers, and I’d love to teach you, step-by-step, how it’s done.  This is happening for photographers from all over the world who are just like you.  Let me prove just how wildly successful YOU can be!

If you’re ready to take your business further, sign up for email updates (it’s free).



  1. Mary Boyd says:

    This retreat looks amazing! I wish I was able to go too!

  2. Mary Buffington says:

    I am soooo sad I missed out!!! Please come to the south again in 2013! The Florida location looks ahhhmazing 🙂 wishing everyone a fantastic time!

  3. Amy says:

    I wish I could attend the retreat! Hoping I can do the next one though! How can I join the Facebook page?

  4. Jennifer says:

    I so wish I could’ve gone – can’t wait for you to announce another!! You are all going to have an amazing time!!!! <3

  5. Karen Kelly says:

    SOLD OUT?! 🙁 I was really hoping to go, but with all the mad rush of the holidays, I let it slip through the cracks…Alys Beach is one of my favorite places. I know everyone will have a wonderful time!

  6. […] am looking for models for the Thrive Retreat in Hollywood, Florida on Saturday, April 6th […]

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