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How to Create Custom Sets and Backdrops with Heidi Hope

Ep 30-Thumb2
Have you ever wondered how much time it really takes to create some of those amazing shots we all pin onto Pinterest

Or how about if it’s even worth what seems to be a whole lot’a work… And if it is worth it, how do you make it worth it? 

If so, you’re gonna love  today’s episode! 

Heidi Hope is known for her amazing cake smash and newborn sessions… We see fresh flowers, one-of-a-kind backdrops and Pinterest worthy sets in every posting. 

Today, I’m super excited to welcome my sweet friend, Heidi as my very special guest. She’s breaking down 4 levels of backdrops and sets and letting us in on how much time and money goes into making these shots happen! 

Today, I’m super excited to welcome my sweet friend, Heidi as my very special guest. She’s breaking down 4 levels of backdrops and sets and letting us in on how much time and money goes into making these shots happen! 


Love the BACKDROP? We do to! I have Spangled and Heidi has Mermaid from Drop it Modern! Want one? Go get yours because DIM is giving everyone a $25 code for their shop: GO4DIM

In the comments below, I’d love to hear from you! 

What was your favorite takeaway or insight from Heidi in today’s episode? Are you going to try something you learned in today’s episode and if so what? 

Want more inspiration?  Check out the Cardboard Airplane Tutorial, Tissue Paper Pom Pom Tutorial & Tulle Ball Tutorial



  1. Heidi Hope says:

    This was so much fun! Thank you so much for having me!

  2. Mari says:

    OMG, this is so awesome! I always wondered how she made her ribbon backgrounds! You ladies look fabulous with your sparkly backgrounds. 🙂

  3. Rebecca says:

    This was awesome! Ive been following you, Heidi, for a while now, and Love everything you do! This was really fun to hear some of the behind the scene stuff that goes into one of your awesome sets! I did a ribbin one a few weeks ago and it came out great! Thanks so much!

  4. Jen says:

    Oh my goodness! Her work is so amazing, and as someone who used to paint (can’t seem to find the time these days) that was really inspiring.

  5. Denise says:

    Simply amazing! I heart that Heidi Hope! 🙂

  6. Amanda M says:

    This was so great!! Thanks for helping me realize that my ideas can be simpler
    than I think they are! Inspiring!

  7. Darci says:

    How about a giveaway for one of those badboys, wowser those are $$$

  8. Ahhh – you two are adorable!! So many great ideas and awesome inspiration! Love it!! Thanks for the great video!!!

  9. Candace says:

    I would love to know where she gets the paper that she draws on for the backgrounds? Oh I also wondered does she always stay in her studio or does she ever travel to the clients location? Thanks Candace

  10. Thanks for a great video, its great to see how other photographers operate and give me some new ideas to add to my business.

  11. I love the idea of Ribbon backdrop and I will try it in my cake smash photo sessions. Thanks for sharing this

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