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The Thriver’s Workshop Rap Video – Started from the Bottom

I started with a dream… It was not to be a rapper.

When I created The Thriving Photographer™, I poured my heart into it.  I created Thrive with the sole purpose of wanting to show other photographers just how successful they really could be.  But I wanted to establish a business model that was different from what I’d seen taught by others.  My business model put the family first – not on the side lines.  I knew Thrive worked, and I had crazy high hopes that photographers would give me the chance to prove it to them…. 

As women from around the globe made the choice to start thriving, we began to get an idea…  You see, we have this private group where we can celebrate each others’ successes and help each other when we need the extra encouragement.  As I got to know these women, as they became my friends, I wondered…  What if I could meet them?  

What if, instead of an avatar image – I could really hug them, laugh with them, “happy dance” for real with them?

That became the dream. 

And in April, we started with the Florida Mastermind Retreat.  It sold out in 2 days.  Photographers from all over came to celebrate, be inspired and Harlem Shake with fellow Thrivers. It was amazing! 


This last weekend ‘Thrive Mastermind’ happened again!  This time we brought the party to Seattle.  And oh, my word… We had so much fun laughing, crying and dancing the night away!  Well, if you call my sweet ‘Dora the Explorer’ moves dancing. (Which we shouldn’t.) 

Thanks to the mad skills of Korindi, I’m excited to show you our rap music video! 

Here it is… The Thrive Girls – Started from the Bottom

“That’s a wrap… No literally, it’s a rap.”



  1. erin childs says:

    This is the best thing I’ve ever seen.

  2. Laura says:

    No, literally…. that’s a rap.

    It’s so good!! Genius, just genius.

  3. Christine says:

    LOVE it! Y’all looked like you have so much fun – never seen so many hoodies and bubble necklaces in the same place 🙂 I have to admit I was sorry not to see Kari with her creepy camera-petting . . .

  4. Su says:

    That was absolutely hysterical, what a load of fun

  5. Kelli says:

    Ummm…that’s freaking hilarious & brilliant. Just like you, my friend. Wish I was there :0)

  6. […] you know what’s so fun?  Last year, while at the Thriver’s Mastermind Retreat in Seattle… We reconnected as I photographed Sydney for a just a few brief moments.  And now […]

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