the blog

School’s Out… Now What?



Schools out – – the kids are home – – now what???? 

Our go-to reaction (mine included) was in wonder… And it wasn’t that Christmas time wonder either.  It was wondering, how the heck I’d get any work done? 

But then as quickly as that thought came into my mind I felt the brakes screeching in my mind and there was a conversation that played out in my mind, it sounded a little like this… 

You’re worried about what to do with the kids? 

Where you can stick them, what you can do with them? 

You’re worried about how blog posts will be written or time will be found to respond to emails???

Your worried about the wrong things… 

What if instead of worrying about what work needs from you, you got excited over what these little kiddos want from you? 

And all they want is you. 

They love me unconditionally right now… Will I give them reasons to let me deserve that unconditional love? 

Will I choose sidewalk chalk over emails… Sprinklers over blog posts… Or trampolines over editing? 

Will I choose to make the very most of this one summer that I have with them at this stage in their life… This stage, the one when they still love to be with me? 

Or will I worry about how I’m going to get all the work done? 


I’m choosing them! 

Instead of worrying about what to do about my kids,  I’m going to put my energy into what I can do with my kids!

Here’s Where I’ll Start: 

#1: By Friday, I hope to have about 2 months worth of blog posts pre-scheduled! I’ll add to and move them around to get myself to the full summer scheduled throughout. 

#2: I’ll schedule and plan all the fun things we want to do this summer before any work gets scheduled – which will allow me to maintain a healthy, fun and realistic balance. 

#3: I’ll slow down.  Who says we have to always go this fast? I’m going to let summers influence wash over me and I’m going to try  to slow down a bit! 

#4: I will get help!  Of course there will still be some work to do… so I want to have fun activities (dare I say, distractions?) for the kiddos for those times when I do actually need to work.  My goal is to allow for only a minimal amount of TV this summer, so that means summer camps (we’re looking at cooking and art classes) and getting someone who can come over a couple days a week for a few hours just to play. 




We have the rest of our lives for our businesses… We only have a few years with our kiddos.  I don’t ever want to regret how I spent my few years with them




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