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From Quitting to Thriving – This is Denise’s Story

My purpose as an entrepreneur is to help women realize that they can be confident and successful business owners – on their terms – with their lifestyle in mind.  

I know how successful we can be, I’ve seen it in the lives of hundreds and hundreds of beautiful women, from home-schooling stay-at-home moms to amazing 20-somethings who are just spreading their wings… I know it’s possible and what I wait for, is for you to be willing to say YES to yourself.  You can’t live the life you’ve imagined until you say YES to it. 

Today I am so honored to share Denise’s story (C’est Chic Photography)!

Can you relate to Denise?  Before THRIVE, she just couldn’t see how to fit all the pieces together.  She’d reached her breaking point and thought she’d have to give up on her dream of owning a photography business, she was about to set her camera down when she decided to try one more thing… 

Learn more about The Thriving Photographer™

In Denise’s words;

“The pieces of the puzzle were there…but they were all jumbled upside down and backwards. I needed someone to help me put the pieces in the right place. So I read, I listened, I researched and found all these great ideas from inspiring people. Everyone had great (but different) ideas on how to put the puzzle together…but the puzzle still never seemed to fit together perfectly or the way I had envisioned it.

Until now…to make a long story short, the puzzle is just a metaphor for how I was feeling. I had invested money before on workshops, speakers, actions, etc. all in the hopes that someday everything would click in to place. It never quite did. Until Thrive! The game changer! The missing piece to my puzzle!

I am armed with more ways to succeed than ever before! This time there actually was rainbows and sunshine. lol I have never felt so sure of myself and my business. I never actually believed that I could really do this for a living before Thrive. I see so much potential for me and my business that I did not see before. I have been a Thriver for less than 1 year and I can already tell that it was the one solid investment I will never regret. I have made my money back and more in such a short time. I was always hoping that someday everything would click…now it has.”

– Denise Belanger



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