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The Most Important Elements of a GREAT About Me Page

I love this topic…but you might hate this topic… 

But like it or not, the about me page is one of the most important pages on your entire website. This is the page they click on when they’re starting to really consider hiring you. This is where they go when they are trying to decide if they like you.

And people don’t buy from those they don’t like. 

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the most important elements I’ve found in all the best about me page!

Love the BACKDROP? We do, too! It’s Spangled, from the fabulous Drop it Modern!



  1. Ana García says:

    I’m reDoing the website for my business and ABOUT ME page is driving me crazy!!!

    when I’m done with it i’ll show it to you…even though it’s in spanish!!

    Thanks for your advice, Leah! you’re the best!

  2. Mary says:

    Hey Leah!
    I really enjoyed this post, but I do want to ask your opinion. Three years ago I joined the family photography business, and when I first started I was pretty much a second shooter, assistant, and office girl. In the past few years, I’ve grown more influential in the company and people are getting to know me as either the photographer or as the girl that works with them from start to finish during their shoots. I am over the next year launching three new campaigns, and I want people to know me too! My father and I have different tastes and styles, and very different approaches, but it has made us successful when working together…but when it comes to an about me page should it be “the team” or “individual.”

  3. Rachel says:

    Love your suggestions. Would love to hear thoughts on what I have had so far Leah? I’m do intend on incorporating some of the suggestions you have listed.

  4. Christian says:

    Hello! Thank you for the lovely and informative video. I am preparing to do a complete makeover for my website. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into my about me page. Right now it is not really giving in too much about who I ACTUALLY am.
    My business name is Foxhouse Studio, yet my name is Christian. Do you think I should include both my first and last name on my about me page? Currently I just have my first.

    Thank you !!


  5. Jama says:

    My current about me page is below. Still a work in progress. Any thoughts or advice would be awesome!!

    Hi y’all! I am a wedding and lifestyle portrait photographer who lives, works, and plays in Austin, Texas, but I also provide services in the surrounding areas. Not in my area? No problem! I LOVE to travel!!

    If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m Jama, (pronounced “Jay-ma” because I’m sure you are wondering). I am a Parrothead Jimmy Buffet fan, beach bum, travel addict, marathon-running, softball-playing, “fru-fru” coffee-drinking, ice cream-eating gal who owns too many pairs of running shoes and flip-flops. I love to smile and enjoy life. I surround myself with those that I love, and I have the best family in the world. My parents bought me my first camera when I was 10, and I was hooked instantly. I fell in love with the darkroom in high school, so I decided to minor in photography in college and have had a camera on me pretty much every day since.

    Thanks for stopping by. Please check out my site and view my work in the galleries above. You will see that my photography approach and style is clean, classic and fun.

    xoxo Jama

  6. Hi Leah! Loved this video today!!!!
    I JUST changed my about me page earlier this week (on a whim, and I adore it). Thanks so much for these tips! I went through checking off what I’ve done right and what I need to make sure is there!
    I need to make sure my contact info is there, and I need to make sure my Call To Action is more obvious!
    and I never thought to direct them where to go next, which I’m going to do with my blog!
    if you feel like checking out my new About Me page here it is!

  7. Kelly says:


    I always look forward to your weekly video posts, very informations and always make me smile. Here is my about page, I’d love to get your feedback!!

    Thank you!!

  8. Amie R says:

    I LOVE my about me page, but it took me a while to get there. I decided to just be real and me 🙂

  9. Tiffany says:

    great video! I really like my about me page;
    I re-write the page every January so it is almost due for it’s yearly update but I still feel that it gives my viewers an accurate picture of who I am. 😉

  10. Thank you THANK YOU for the awesome tips today!
    You rock, Leah!!

  11. Sandy says:

    Great info as always!!

    My “About Me” page wasn’t too far off, however, there are a few tweaks I definitely need to make.

    Thank you!

  12. Tiffany says:

    You’re funny, Leah. I love video Fridays :o)

  13. Another great video Friday! I am of to my website to re do my about page!

  14. Autumn says:

    I worked really hard on my about me page even before I started the design side of it.
    I had a “look” I wanted so I got photographed in a way that went with that “look.”
    After seeing this video I wish I would have signed it “Autumn” at the bottom but at least my name is stated on the footer of every page…. hopefully that helps!
    I do have a contact page, but again, I think plastering my number and email on several different pages couldn’t have hurt!!
    Thanks again for the great advice!!

    • Oh my goodness, you’re adorable! I LOVE your hair… LOVE IT! I’m obsessed with short hair! Your about me page is so fun, would it be possible to just add your signature to the bottom?

  15. I absolutely hate my about me page and it DEFINITELY needs an update! My photo is terrible and I feel like my words are forced into what I though the page should say instead of letting it flow from my heart.Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Gonna fix it ASAP 🙂

  16. Lovin’ these tips! I think mine probably sucks now. Check it out here:

    • Your smile is beautiful and I love your bright scarf!

      My first thought would be to create title heading above each paragraph to break up the sections and make it easier for a “scanner” to learn about you if they don’t want to digest the whole thing. My other thought is that while I think it’s amazing that you are an RN, reading about that before learning about you and your camera makes me feel that this is a side hobby especially if I don’t keep reading. As I read it again, I truly feel that the whole second paragraph could be removed and a fun little 5 facts about me could be added at the bottom instead.

      Those 5 fun facts could include:
      1. In another life I’m an RN so if anyone gets hurt not only can I document the fall but I can fix it too. 😉

      And ummm… TWO SETS OF TWINS! Oh my word! Amazing! Now that’s worth talking about! I’m in awe of you!

  17. I know I need a killer portrait of just my face and hoping to do that soon but what do you think of the rest of it? C4 lol

    • Lauren!! We are neighbors!! Oh my word!

      First I freaking LOVE your branding! I feel like your content is fantastic, I had so much fun reading it and genuinely felt like, ‘wow! I want to be her friend!’ But, in the current format, it’s a big block of text to digest and to often people don’t digest the text… I think just changing up your formal to a bullet option could be the winning answer.

      “I love your photos as much as you do.” <—- I love that!!! So beautifully said!

  18. Hey Autumn,

    Your about me page is really awesome but I really had a hard time reading it. I think it was because the word spacing is too close together or perhaps it was the script.

    Really nice blog and design!

you said:

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