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CHIC RETREAT 2014 (I’m going, are you?)

I don’t know if anything in my business makes me as happy as when I get to be hanging out with you all in-person!?!!  And I’ve been dying to share about this! I’m SO excited to have been asked back as a speaker for the 2014 Chic Retreat with 6 other fabulous speakers!

It’s already more than HALFWAY SOLD OUT through our VIP Early Enrollment so don’t wait to sign up because it will sell out soon.


  • 7 top photographers sharing their juiciest secrets
  • A private one-on-one photo critique with one of our Speakers (10 minutes)
  • 2 of Seattle’s most creative Event Planners planning this workshop. You’ll be in Pinterest-Heaven every. single. day.
  • A photo scavenger hunt in the popular Pikes Place Market
  • A ride to the top of Seattle’s famous Space Needle
  • An Elegant Dinner Soiree
  • Limo rides
  • A modern venue in the heart of downtown Seattle
  • Catered meals featuring Seattle’s finest food (one meal per day. No alcohol will be served.)
  • Scrumptious snacks and sweets
  • Daily Swag & gifts galore!
  • Over $1000 in Giveaways
  • A Mini Trade Show featuring our Speaker’s favorite products
  • Get featured in Chic Magazine in the Retreat Review
  • Personal headshots photographed by some of our Speakers
  • A LIVE styled Cake Smash Session by Heidi Hope
  • A mock sales presentation by Leah Remillet (watch it happen as if it were real!)
  • A “Marketing Minute” where all attendees share their best marketing tip
  • A Branding Breakout session where a group of peers critique your branding & online presence
  • A Workshop Workbook with over 40 pages of notes from all the Speakers
  • Takeaway worksheets from each Speaker to apply your learning
  • Styled sessions with a variety of models including children, seniors, families, and an editorial bridal
  • Photo shoot rotations with our Speakers sharing what’s in their bag, camera settings, posing tips, smile tricks, as they shoot
  • Shooting opportunities for the attendees to photograph models during the styled shoots (after the Speakers have shared their shooting secrets)
  • A chance to hang out with the Speakers during the optional night activities including a Rooftop Pajama Part-ay & a late-night Ferris Wheel ride on the boardwalk



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