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Interview with Newborn Photographer Tara Lindley

The Thriving Photographer Spotlight
I am so excited to introduce you to today’s guest our very own Thriving Photographer Miss Tara Lindley.

The first time Tara ever posted an image in our private Thriver’s only community, I was blown away! Her newborn work is amazing and since the only thing I’m capable of doing with a newborn is keeping them awake…I thought we could all be inspired by Tara! 

Tara specializes in natural light, custom newborn and baby photography in North Carolina. Her use of color palettes that compliment but don’t distract from the pure essence of a newborn make her images so inviting. I love how she showcases those subtle features of newborns that if not captured through photography becomes a fleeting memory.  Without further ado…


How long have you been a Thriver?

I bought the Thriving Photographer program a little over a year ago. I was feeling stagnant in my business and was ready to make some changes. I was also very tired! I was tired of photographing sooooo many sessions and working tons of hours with nothing to show for it, and missing valuable, precious time with my very young family. I was frustrated with clients who did not value my time, talent, or the service I was providing. I loved photography, but I was feeling burned out. The way I was doing things just wasn’t working for me or for my family. I needed help and The Thriving Photographer was the answer!

Mom and Newborn PoseAmazing Newborn Photography

Why did you choose to focus on newborn photography?

I began my photography journey when I was pregnant with my first child.  It wasn’t until after I had my third baby and did his newborn pictures that I realized what I was meant to do. I was captivated by the miracle of new life, and the magic of each moment that is so fleeting and precious. I began to breathe and dream newborn photography.  I remember how I felt when each of my children was born. How I wanted to capture everything about them and bottle it all up because they would change so quickly. I would spend my days just holding them and staring at their perfect little faces, hardly believing that I could be so blessed to have such a perfect angel to take care of. It is those feelings and emotions that I am passionate about capturing for my clients. I love everything about babies. Their little noises, the flaky baby skin, cute tiny features, perfect fingers and toes, how they curl their legs up. I love that I can preserve those memories for my clients.


What is your best tip for keeping babies asleep?

A warm studio and a full tummy! It also helps to keep them awake prior to their session.

What’s your current favorite prop?

I have so many favorite things, but the baby is the star. Right now I love my flokati rugs that are so versatile for many different setups. I use them in each and every session. I also love styling my sessions with gorgeous fabrics, lace, wraps and vintage bonnets.



How would you suggest photographers go about learning to pose newborns?

Read and study as much as you can. There are so many resources available online and in the photography community. Join forums and ask questions. I spent hours and hours just studying newborn images that I loved. Nothing will help more than practice. Do as many newborn sessions as you can to become familiar with babies and get your poses down. If possible, invest in education. Hands-on workshops are the best thing you can do to perfect newborn posing. There is so much more to learn about newborn photography than just posing. Newborn safety should be the utmost priority of every photographer. Keeping baby calm and knowing how to soothe the baby is also key to a successful newborn session.


What is your lighting setup?

I currently photograph newborns in my natural light studio.


What’s your favorite lens for photographing newborns?

I love my 50 1.4. Hoping to get the 35 mm soon. 🙂


What has been your best client generator?

Word of mouth has been the most successful for me. If my clients love their experience, they tell everyone about it. The birth of a new baby is one of the most exciting times in life, and people are so proud to show off images of their baby. They can’t help themselves.  I have also found that sharing images on Facebook generates a lot of interest.


Tell us about your experience with The Thriving Photographer, what has it done for you and your business?

The biggest thing that The Thriving Photographer has done for me is given me the confidence to pursue what I am really passionate about, and the belief that I really can and do deserve to be successful. I recently moved (and will be moving again in less than a year), and am starting over in my new location. The Thriving Photographer has given me all the tools I need to get my business off to an amazing start in my new location.  It is brilliant really. I have learned how to create an amazing experience for my clients that they tell all their friends about. I know where to find clients who value my time and my work. I photograph what I am passionate about. I am able to spend more time with my family and those who are the most important to me. The Thriving Photographer is a game changer. A life changer really! I cannot say enough good things about this program and about Leah.


For more Tara Lindley goodness go to her FACEBOOK PAGE  //  BLOG  // and to learn how Tara got her thrive on go to The Thriving Photographer!




  1. Carrie says:

    Can I ask where you get your flokati from? Your work is beautiful by the way!

you said:

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