the blog

I use to write…

Typewriter_Contact_Leah RemillitI use to write all the time. There are over 800 blog posts on this blog alone to prove it. There was also that family blog that I use to write way back when, during our Hawaii-life days – that truly does feel like a lifetime ago. Our baby actually was a baby back then. 

I haven’t written much in the past couple years. Time just kept marching forward, projects have deadlines, responsibilities need to be met. And somehow the idea of indulging myself in this pastime, where I let my fingers hit the keys, unsure what direction it will take me seems…well a bit frivolous. 

I miss writing. I miss the way it allowed me to feel more connected to a world so much bigger than I. The way it allowed you and I to become closer as you got to know who I truly am and I got to read, soak up and enjoy your thoughts and comments. Somehow it’s been lonelier since I stopped writing, despite my days being filled ever more with people, places and things. 

I use to do other things as well…some good and some not so good. Some of my use to’s, I’d really like to find again. Others I’m content seeing as a stage of life. 

What about you? Do you have a use to you’d like to resurrect? A past time, a relationship, an experience that you use to have? 

The wonderful truth is that we are each the decision makers for our lives. We can not control our circumstances and sometimes the circumstances that show up at our doors – just plain suck (no eloquence needed). 

But other times, all we really may need is simply to give ourselves permission to enjoy a little ‘use to‘. 

I’d love to challenge each of us to introduce a little use to….right now

 What will your use to be? I’d love to hear! Please leave a comment and let’s start a conversation! 







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