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A New You Plan

Screw Reasonable! 

Okay so I don’t normally use words like that, but I am serious about this! If you want things to change…take control! If you want more freedom, more success, more confidence, more courage, more joy, more contentment, more time to be inspired, more glee… More Thriving. NOW is the time. 

I don’t believe in being reasonable. Reasonable is the road to mediocrity and we were not put on this earth to be mediocre. Everything about you…the way your body works, what your mind can create, your capacity to care…is incredible. YOU are incredible.  So why are you so hell-bent that you can’t reach your goals?

You want to know who shouldn’t be here right now? Me. Every statistic says I should not be a functioning member of society. My learning disabilities and former educators say I should not be able to do what I do today.  My doctor said I should not have lived through the birth of my last baby. And I could go on…but I’m here and I’m showing up to shine!

YOU can create the life you dream of.  
YOU can build a business you’re proud of. 
YOU can create balance and make more time for those you love most.
YOU can do this.

Quote dreams come true

We are at a crossroad, the year is half way over and with that should come some renewed determination to be better, to feel better, to live better. So what will you do… continue as you are OR do you want to decide right now that this is going to be the best year of your life? You have 182 days in front of you…What will you do with them? 

You have it in you to succeed and my hope is that you make a plan, set it into action and your dreams will become a reality and you too can have the best year of your life.


Need help making a plan? The Thriving Photographer has an 8 week schedule that will turn your business into what you dream of. CHECK IT OUT! 



  1. marcie says:

    Thank you for this! I just left a conversation where I shared some BIG dreams with friends and I ended up feeling bad because I could tell that instead of being pumped up and sharing their own big dreams with me they instead felt a little inferior or jealous :/ Then I read your blog post and remembered that it’s OK to dream big, live outside the norm and have no limits set on my income, plans and fun for my family 🙂

    • I totally understand Marcie. So many people believe that they *have to* be where they are, and when you come in and say, ‘no. I don’t want to, so I’m going to make it different’… At first you can be met with all kinds of responses. But as you keep moving forward and making your vision, your reality. You’ll find that you become an inspiration, you become the person they know that proves it doesn’t *have* to be one way.

      Keep on dreaming and aiming big. Not only do you deserve to live the life that you’ve imagined, but those around you need to see that they can too!


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