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You are Meant to Dazzle

The sun can’t help but get attention. And even though it’s giving light and warmth there is bound to be someone who’s going to complain. ‘It’s too hot’, ‘it’s too bright.’ We are creatures of bad habits. And isn’t the same true for us? 

When we shine brightest, we get attention and despite all your best intentions, not everyone will want to celebrate with you. Don’t let this stop you from shining. If ever the sun, it’s all it’s glory get’s ridiculed – well then – I guess, so must we. 

The thing about the sun is that it doesn’t stop shining. It doesn’t hide, it doesn’t give less of it self. Instead it declared, ‘here I am! Love me or hate me but I will not change.’ Well you know, unless you live here in Seattle and then it hides a lot but you get my point. 

You are meant for great things! You are not meant to hide what makes you dazzle. You are not meant to fear what others might think. If only we could make our greatest fear be to let ourselves down…To falter at reaching our own personal level of awesomeness. 

Not to be compared to someone else’s awesome. Not to worry that others will judge our own awesome but to shine unapologetically for all to see. Now that would be inspiring! 

Let’s decide to be inspiring! 

"You musn't be afraid to sparkle a little brighter darling" Monday Motivation from
Source:  Kirsten Kuehn



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