the blog

Building a “Team” on an As Needed Basis


I started to draft a blog post but couldn’t get any images to upload…tried to hyperlink some text…nothing there either.

My first thought was that there must be some long awaited update needed but WordPress showed things were good to go.  Then I wondered if I’d somehow changed my permissions from Admin…nope, not it either! And that’s when I found myself up a filthy creek with no paddles.

I literally had NO IDEA what to do from here. I was all out of tricks, except I wasn’t! 

David “my web guy” was the ace up my sleeve! David’s a huge part of my team, but he doesn’t have to show up too often! You know when you see some awesome tool on someone else’s blog and you think, ‘I want that!’. Or when you need to update your theme, but you’re terrified that you may just have the power of imploding your website in one click? Well, that’s when I shoot David an email.

And so I started writing the email. I explained what happened, what I’d tried and asked him to take it from here…

Well, guess what happened! Less than an hour later the problem was solved and this email was waiting in my inbox;

Hi Leah –
Turns out the Billboard plugin was masking all the other plugins that needed updates (it had an over-aggressive hide update command somewhere).
Anyway, once it was disabled, a TON of plugins needing updates showed up.
After the update, everything seems to work again.
I’ve disabled the problematic update code for that plugin, so you should get proper update notices going forward.
All the best,
– D
This is about as close to fairy dust – genie in a bottle – magic wand kind of wishing that I’ve experienced! Have a problem, send a magic email and problem is solved thanks to my virtual “team”!
Being the end all for every problem that ever arises in your business is exhausting, especially when you just don’t know how to fix it! But having a team, to most, seems as probable as finding a Fairy Godmother’s wand in your driveway. When we think of teams, we often think that you’ve gotta have all these full time positions available, big bank rolls to pay them and a huge lists of tasks to keep them busy! NOT TRUE!  There are plenty of freelance experts out there who can help you only when you need it with the troublesome areas that you’re – well – not an expert at. 
What areas of your business give you trouble? Web Stuff? Book Keeping? SEO? Data Entry? Blogging? Would it be possible to get some help and how much time would that free up for you to spend doing things that actually make you money?

Bottom line, I could have spent HOURS, trying to solve the case of the missing upload button. And all the time spent trying to solve this urgent problem would have taken me away from the important things I’d planned to tackle today… And maybe even tomorrow. 

There are great resources out there to build your freelance team.  Start with Facebook and post to find out if anyone knows someone they would recommend for what you need. If nothing turns up, try

I’ve had some great luck with both…hope you do too!




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