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The Inspired Retreat Recap


This last April, I had the honor of being the keynote speaker for The Inspired Retreat by Amber Housley in Nashville, TN. I spoke on Building Balance and shared my journey from spiraling out of control which led to my ambulance ride to living the life I’d been dreaming about all along. I shared my strategies and systems and how I finally let go of the lie that I had to do it all myself and finally got to start living the life I’d been imagining. I loved every moment sharing and helping others and even more so, the many conversations that continued on the topic through out the weekend.

©AlexisJuneWeddings | Inspired Retreat, 2015 | Evins Mill, TN

(C)AlexisJuneWeddings | Inspired Retreat, 2015 | Evins Mill, TN

Inspired GiftThanks to amazing sponsors and friends, I had a fabulous little gift for all 40 of the attendees. Each attendee received a gorgeous green box from Jane Johnson and H-B Photos, inside each box they found beautiful cards, planning worksheets and help guides on the most fabulous velvety card stock by the fantastic Pro Digital Photos and finally and beautiful gold foiled print by Laura Kathryn Creative.

Jaded 5×7 Box – Jane Johnson and H-B Photos
5×7 Building Balance Cards – Printed by Pro Digital Photos
‘Start Each Day’, Gold Foil 5×7 Print – Laura Kathryn Creative

I have struggled for weeks on how to put Amber Horsley’s Inspired Retreat into words. This post has sat and sat in drafts as I’ve tried to find the words to convey how honored I felt to be a keynote speaker for this amazing event. And the truth is… I’m still lacking the right words, but I want this post to actually see the light of day (or more accurately the glow of your back lit monitor). So today I am determined to finish it.

First let me start by telling you what Inspired Retreat is. It is a gathering of entrepreneurial spirited women with hearts of gold and minds for massive success. We are all brought together by the amazing Amber Housley who has taken her wedding planning background and cultivated an environment that, well… Inspires the heck out of you! The attention to detail, the opportunity for friendships and the incredible inspiration that pumps through every hour you’re there is incredible.

And my absolute favorite thing about Inspired is the diversity! We are women with varying backgrounds, ambitions and dreams but who all are striving to love the life we are living. I was in awe over the different women that I met and what they had to share. There was the funeral director (she’s amazing!!) and the incredible scientist with a mission to help little girls love science… And the bloggers and planners and dreamers and doers. The mix of dreams left me in awe!

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I am so blessed to work with some of the most amazing companies! The newest of which is Photo Booth Supply Co. We met at WPPI after the fab gals at Drop it Modern told me we had to be introduced. And they were right! Brandon and his team are doing amazing things! I’ll be writing a full post about them soon enough… Well, the booth came right before I was heading to speak at Inspired Retreat so the fun came with me! Oh my gosh! We had so much fun with this booth. Well, how about if I just show you! 



Inspired Retreat should be at the top of every women with a dream’s bucket list. At it just so happens, there is another Inspired Retreat happening this year! You can find all the details here.

Photography Credit to my new fabulous friend, Brandi of  Alexis June Weddings


  1. Jazmine says:

    The gifts look really cool! Did you buy those boxes or make them?

  2. […] I had had the chance to set it up once before I loaded it up in it’s crying case and off we went to the Inspired Retreat in Nashville where I was a keynote speaker. Only days after that, me at the booth headed to Hawaii […]

  3. […] Inspired Retreat hosted by Amber Housley. I loved everything about this conference (see my recap here), so I was positively thrilled when Amber asked me to come back as a keynote speaker and kick […]

  4. wow looks like you guys had a blast at the retreat. the photos came out great.
    i like the quote about worrying.. goin to keep that in mind

you said:

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