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Girl Boss Book Club – November

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I LOVE learning!  My education, training and best mentors have been found in the pages of books.  There are so many amazing must-read books out there and I’d love to start sharing some of my favorites with you, one month at a time. So what do you say? Do you want to join me? Each month, I’ll unveil our  Girl Boss Book of the Month, (you can see last month’s book here) you can then go pick yours up at the library, through Audible or Amazon and get your inspire on.

In November, I want to share with you the book, Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek who is considered one of the business thought leaders of this time.  If you haven’t seen his Ted Talk, it’s a MUST! He shares how leaders need to understand the impact on those they lead.  He discusses the circle of safety and the four chemicals that drive behaviors in the workplace and how it all comes back to the leader.  Great read to motivate and change the way you look at your own leadership skills!

Instagram Book Club


About the Girl Boss Book of the Month: I have read so many amazing books that have truly inspired me, and I want to share them with YOU!  Here’s how it works.  At the end of every month, I will post the book that I will be reading for the next month.   At the end of the month, I will post on Facebook my thoughts on the book.  I hope you will post your thoughts and comments as well.  My goal is to have this be an awesome opportunity to build connections, grow as thoughtful creatives and get inspired to dream and do bigger and better things.

I can’t wait to get started!  Are you in?



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