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Girl Boss Book of the Month – February

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I’m extra excited for our next #girlbossbook of the month!

This book means a lot to me.  I can credit The 4-Hr Work Week to inspiring and sparking life changing action. Literally… life changing.  It was this book that put the idea in my mind that 9-5 is arbitrary, that we can define our own schedules, and that success doesn’t require 60 hours or even 40 hours… It requires getting the important stuff done.

I think this was one of the first 3 business/inspiration books I ever read! And it would absolutely be in the top 3 I’d recommend as MUST READS for any creative entrepreneur trying to do things your own way. Over the years, I’ve become a HUGE fan of Tim Ferriss, and it all started with his original book, ‘The 4 Hour Work Week’. He has two others, ‘The 4-Hr Body’ and ‘The 4-Hr Chef’.

I really hope you’ll join me this month and get your hands on this book! It’s absolutely worth the read… more than once. I think it’s been about 8 years since I first read it, so I’m super excited to be reading again with you!

Instagram Book Club February


FROM AMAZON: “Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan–there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, The 4-Hour Workweek is the blueprint.”

Author, Tim Ferriss, gives you practical tips, real case stories,  templates, tools, and tricks to begin living the life that you want!

Sound familiar?  Let’s get this started!


About the Girl Boss Book of the Month: I have read so many amazing books that have truly inspired me, and I want to share them with YOU!  Here’s how it works.  At the end of every month, I will post the book that I will be reading for the next month.   At the end of the month, I will post on Facebook my thoughts on the book.  I hope you will post your thoughts and comments as well.  My goal is to have this be an awesome opportunity to build connections, grow as thoughtful creatives and get inspired to dream and do bigger and better things.

I can’t wait!  Are you in?



  1. Lindsey says:

    I’ve been loving these recommendations. I really enjoyed The 12 Week Year!

you said:

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