the blog

Are we ready?

We leave in 5 days… The #1 question I keep getting asked is… Are you ready?

Ummmm no.

I don’t know how you could ever really feel ready for a trip like this (although I assume there are some incredible families out there who are planners to a level I can only imagine – and well, they are).

I  – on the other hand –  am not.

There are certain areas of my life where I’d claim to be great at planning, and of course, anyone who’s been following me for any time knows how much I love systems and automating. But to create those, you need experiences of your own that teach you how to build them.

Since we have no experience taking up our family of 5, packing us into a few suitcases and traveling around for a year… We are counting a lot more on hope, a prayer, and Google than any experience of our own.

Today, my goal is to actually start packing the suitcases and deciding what we are and are not bringing.

Clothing will be the hardest part of course, but there is also the school supplies, the medical supplies (for just in case), and of course, my big pink office is being compacted down to fit in one little (extremely cute I might add) backpack.

So are we ready? Nope. But we’ll get there.

Or we won’t. Either way, we are hopping on a plane in just a few days and starting this adventure.

It’s a huge challenge, but we’ve always been okay with making things up as we go along, and well, for the first little bit, that’s what we’ll have to rely on. It’s exciting and nerve-racking (which to me means we must be on the verge of something great). I change from moment to moment on how prepared or completely unprepared I feel, but all I can do is roll with the emotions.

Even in this moment surrounded by laundry, papers, hard drives, suitcases and a stash of chocolate for sanity… I know the adventure has already begun and it’s going to be great!

Soon we will be sharing all of our adventure on a dedicated blog site for our travels. You can get on this list to find out when our travel blog goes live! (hopefully very soon!)

Want to come along? I’ll be posting the amazing places we’ll see + the behind the scenes of making this adventure a reality on Instagram (@LeahRemillet).


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