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Your Best Self + Free Print & Desktop Organizer

Super excited to have collaborated with Whitton & White for this month’s Desktop Organizer! But first…

As a culture, we’ve gotten so used to doing too many things at once to the point that we seem to be forgetting how to be ‘all in.’ How often do we share only a portion of ourselves? And it’s probably not even intentional.

Does this sound familiar?

It’s date night, and you’ve already checked your phone 3x before your starter arrives.

You promised yourself a solid hour of uninterrupted work, and yet in the last 20 minutes, you’ve seen TS’s new music video and noticed an alert for a flash sale that you just had to click on.

Last night you committed to start exercising today, but you’ve already put a pin in that thought for next week.

I get it! It’s just sooooo dang easy to make excuses, and the truth is – we live in a society that glorifies being busy way more than being productive.

Consider the answer that 99% of us are giving to the question, “How are you?”

The answer? “Busy!”

BUT!!! There is a version of you (the BEST version of you) that wants so badly to shine. If the focus is on busy and the attitude is more ‘oops I did it again’ rather than ‘you’re gonna hear me roar’ – well, we can only blame ourselves because in the words of that YouTube lady, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Here’s the truth; every time we make excuses or only half show up, we block our best life from taking shape.

Here’s another and even happier truth. When you’re loyal to the best version of you, you will naturally become a more profound blessing to anyone and everyone you encounter: your children, your spouse, and your clients.

Here we are wanting this amazing life. We post memes about it, we dream about it, we sing in the shower about it, and yet our everyday actions are blocking the very life we claim to want.

Hit snooze on your alarm? Block. 
Don’t make it to the gym? Block. 
Put off your big goal action item? Block. 
Forget to say “I love you”? Block.

Now, consider how quickly one block can turn into a wall around you. A wall that’s keeping you from being the confident and vibrant version of yourself that can manifest your best life.

So here’s my challenge to you!  Choose one “block” habit that you want to be done with and commit to working on annexing it throughout the next month.

To help you stay focused, I suggest setting periodic alarms throughout your day to bring your new goal back to the top of your mind.

We’ve got this desktop organizer to help you as well!

 Click to Download Our Free Desktop Organizers & Printable


Want more? If you need help getting to the finish line with your projects and goals, watch this 4-minute video training. I skipped it ahead to get right to the good stuff about increasing your effectiveness!


This month’s Desktop Organizer comes as a collaborative effort with the fabulous Holly of Whitton & White which is a favorite IG account of mine (@whittonandwhite). I always love her fun spunky designs and inspiring quotes. I asked her to come up with something special for our LR Insiders & the best part is…the quote she suggested is from one of my all-time heroes! Hope you love it.


For instructions about how to download and use your new desktop organizer, click the video below.  Enjoy!




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