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Your Smartphone is killing your productivity (and how to stop it)

I love my iPhone just like the next #bossbabe (hello Portrait mode!).  But while in so many ways, our phones are a significant asset to our creative businesses, when it comes to productivity – they’re sucking the ‘GO’ right out of our goals. Those of us with big plans need to leverage our time so that we can produce more results every. single. day.


Bottom line, it’s our productivity (i.e., the results we produce) that defines our success. Check out these stats, and then I’ll share four curiously simple strategies to help you take back control of your workday!

An infographic breaking down how Smartphones are killing productivity for creative entrepreneurs - click through for 4 simple tips to take back control! | Leah Remillet
Okay! So now that we are aware – action is the remedy!

Here are simple strategies that are proven to give you back more hours in the day and make you more productive!

1. Use Airplane Mode for more than your next trip! Minimize the distractions by taking away the ping, buzz, ring, or chime while you’re working on your top projects of the day (really any project). Worried about essential calls like your kid’s school or sitter? You can set up your phone so that specific contacts can still call through.


2. Time Block – You’ve heard me preach it before and you’ll hear me say it again. Time blocking is monumental for getting those big (i.e. this will make me more money) projects done FASTER! Set your phone timer for 50 minutes, then turn it to airplane mode, and then flip it over and set it out of sight. Eventually, you’ll be able to just flip it over, and that will be the trigger that tells your brain it’s no cell phone time.

When the alarm goes off, take a 10-minute break to check your phone, stand up and stretch and then jump back into your next task!


3. The Moment App – Sometimes the harsh visual of a clock that’s gotten away from you, is all you need to get straight into better action. Moment is an app that tracks your cell phone usage. You may be very surprised to realize how much time you’re spending staring down at that little screen.


4. Learn to be without your phone. Start keeping your phone out of arms reach when sleeping. Next, try dropping it in a drawer or your bag while you eat with anyone who has a heartbeat. And lastly, start taking detox breaks from social media for 24 hours to multi-day periods. Want to see why this is so critical, take a look at our findings after hundreds of women joined us for a week-long break from Social Media.


5. Try your own Digital Detox. You can read all about mine HERE and our Digital Detox Guidebook HERE.

Reconnecting Offline with a Digital Detox


Our smartphones are one of the essential tools in any creative business owner’s arsenal! Hello Instagram, banking where I get to take a picture of checks, and of course – our go-to cameras.

But, have you stopped to check if it’s also the number 1 hindrance to you producing more results? Getting out phone habits in check will help us leverage our time for what matters more!

Stats showing that smartphones kill productivity for creatives - plus 4 simple tips to take back control! | Leah Remillet



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