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Expanding My Kid’s Experiences without Leaving Home

Experiences. Why we’re so lucky to provide them for our kids.

This morning in the middle of my workout… Well, our workout actually. My girls and I were downstairs doing our thing, and I had this “wow!” moment.

During the Christmas Season (after nearly two years of being in some kind of quarantine or social distancing situation), we’ll find ourselves all home together again. I thought of how I can best expand my kids experiences without actually leaving home?

Having limited experiences

Now stay with me while I attempt to recreate this for you…

If you are anywhere 30 and over, when we were kids we were pretty limited to the abilities and knowledge of the people in our geographical sphere. Sure, there were libraries but even there, what was available to us was limited. If your parents didn’t know how to cook, you probably didn’t learn. If your dad didn’t work on cars, then neither did you – unless of course, you learned in shop class or from a neighbor. My point being, our experiences could only expand to the knowledge and opportunities around us. Whatever we learned was because we came in contact with someone who could teach us.

Today my girls and I were doing a Pilates workout – something they are exposed to because I can turn on our Beach Body app, pick a workout, and press play. I don’t have to be the expert (thank goodness) and yet here we are, all three of us being exposed to new and different experiences.

Technology and Experiences

That’s incredible! This is possible because of technology and the incredible people who have pushed the boundaries of what is possible with that technology. Because of this, our kids can take an interest in something and then take ownership in learning it by going to the internet.

Last night, our son spent a couple of hours working on his ninja weapons origami. Neither Taylor nor I could have ever taught him that, and honestly, we wouldn’t have even thought of it. But he did, and he could find the information himself. I have the ninja stars and littered paper scraps all over my desk at the moment to prove it.

But it is so much bigger than Ninja Stars!

Here are 3 experiences that my kids enjoyed that NEVER would have been possible in my generation (that sounded very old lady).

My top 3 Favorite Experiences for kids

The CEO Kid is created to teach kids how to start their own business (which is crazy exciting for them) while also helping them learn foundational principles in success and integrity.

Do you know how many businesses I tried to create when I was a kid? I would have gone bonkers to have this resource (which is why I created it).

ceo kid


MasterClass has given my kids (and me) access to learning some incredible skills from the very very best! I’m talking Steve Martin, Usher, Gordon Ramsey (careful he swears), Wolf Gang Puck (so does he), Helen Mirren, or how about writing from R.L. Stein or Malcolm Gladwell!

Ella took an opportunity to learn singing from Christina Agulera and acting from Helen Miran. Adi has been taking all the cooking classes from Gordon Ramsey, Alice Waters, and Wolf Gang Puck. And Paysen has tried out Space Exploration from Chris Hadfield and chess from Gary Kasporov.

My only (and it’s a big one!) complaint is that there is profanity in several of the series, which is so frustrating when I think this is such an incredible resource for kids as well as adults.


experiences at home


Savvy Homeschool Disney Retreats – okay. Let me just say… We obviously left home for this one! But again, it just shows the incredible opportunities we can share with our kids now so I have to share it.

The Savvy Disney Retreats are in a category of magic all on their own. It’s Disneyland after all, but it’s more than that!

It’s taking classes in Disneyland – at the park – with Disney instructors!

My kids have taken physics (where they study Disney rides and how they work). Then they happily went and tested those rides (of course). Other classes include Story Telling, Personal Branding, and Leadership. This year they’ve introduced a new class that my kids can’t wait to take – Disney Culinary! I couldn’t have even dreamed up an opportunity like that when I was a kid.


mom and me


To read more about how I balance my life with my kids while running a business, check out You should not eat off my floors





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