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Christmas does not have to be perfect
If you had this week to do again, what would you do differently?
Stress less?
Cuddle More?
Drink the cocoa?
Make the memories?
I love asking this question because now I can approach the day, the season, or in this case, Christmas week — with the right intention!
I was thinking about different Christmases that I’ve had and there is one that really stands out and it is one that went completely wrong. It was just me and my dad. I must have been in 9th or 10th grade. I don’t remember all the circumstances, but our family wasn’t doing anything, and we hadn’t made plans. We’d been busy and hadn’t really thought about it.
We hadn’t gotten a Christmas tree, so ended up dragging in a sad little bush that had been in front of our little apartment. We tried to decorate it a little bit and kept laughing over what a Charlie Brown tree it was. This was truly a Charlie Brown tree bush.
By the time my dad realized that we had nothing to do for Christmas, it was Christmas. He was excited about the idea of taking me out for a nice dinner. We got there, only to realize it was closed (the days before smartphones). He was discouraged, and I remember him taking me to the next restaurant and the next restaurant.
They were all closed. We ended up eating our Christmas dinner at Denny’s. I remember we had a really nice waitress, but he felt so disappointed in himself. He was so upset that he hadn’t given me a better Christmas, but I loved that Christmas because it was so obvious how much my dad loved me! I smile and laugh about that Christmas. It was memorable!
I don’t remember very much about the ones that were considered more “perfect.” Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be filled with all the things. This is something that I’ve personally struggled to balance. We’re in a position where we’re very, very blessed and fortunate to be able to give our kids the things they want, but I also want to be careful to recognize that it’s not about the things. It’s about so much more than that. And if we’re not careful, we take Christ right out of Christmas.

The most incredible memories that I have, and that my kids even talk about when it comes to all our past Christmases, are the ones when we serve, when we love others, and when we take time to just be together. So this is a reminder to me as much as it is for you: be incredibly intentional this week.
This Christmas, I want to create space. I want to utilize the in-between to get more time with my kiddos. I want to serve and love others, and I want to find the person whose Christmas is lacking, who’s aching right now, and I want to try to lighten their burden just a little bit.
I want to be present. I want to slow down and have more time for cuddles and laughter. I want to be able to look up and see someone in need and do something about it. If we’re so busy with our own list, with our own things, then we’re looking down. When we’re looking down, we don’t see the people who need us.
Those are the things that really matter: not getting them the greatest gift, not having all of the things, and not doing it all perfectly. That’s not what it’s about. And it’s so easy to get caught up in that and to forget the real meaning.
So this week, as we all figure out how to balance the busyness of the week leading up to Christmas, I just wanted to share my thoughts for myself, and I hope that maybe it leaves an impression or sparks a little something for you.
And if you’re worried about this Christmas lacking or that you won’t have enough, I promise you it’s okay. If there is an abundance of love, the rest will be fine. They might miss it now, but it won’t be missed in the long term.
I can still see my dad’s face. I can see his face as we were driving from restaurant to restaurant and feeling disappointed, sad, and frustrated with himself that he hadn’t planned something better for me, but I knew and felt how much he loved me. I wouldn’t question that for a moment.
That is my Christmas message for you. I hope you have the most amazing Christmas week, that you feel loved, and that you get to give love. Thank you so much for being part of the Balancing Busy podcast. I’m so grateful for you and I’m so excited to share so much more next year about how we can balance the busy better. And if there is anything specific you would love to hear me talk about, come find me on social media, leave me a dm, email me, or leave a comment right here.
You deserve all the goodness. Merry Christmas.
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