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Stacking Balance Series: 21 Days to More Focus, Presence, and Productivity: DAY 1 (Ep 134)

I’m Leah Remillet, and if you’re new around here, welcome to the Stacking Balance Series. I’m so excited you’re here, and I have a feeling that you didn’t just stumble upon this—you were invited. Maybe by a friend, a family member, or even a co-worker who believes in you and wants to see you thrive. And that? That’s pretty incredible.

What is the Stacking Balance Challenge? It’s 21 micro shifts designed to create real, lasting results in your life. Over the next 21 days, we’re going to make small but powerful changes that will help you feel more focused, more present, and yes, even happier.

STEP 1: Download the Free Workbook with Bonus Resources!

And here’s the best part: These micro-actions take just a few minutes a day. At most? 15 minutes. But the impact? That’s where the magic happens.

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Why The Stacking Balance Challenge Works

Let’s be real—life is already full. The last thing we need is an overwhelming plan that demands a total life overhaul (which, let’s be honest, never sticks). Instead, we need smarter ways to create space for what actually matters.

I’ll be the first to admit—balance isn’t my natural state. I’ve always been an all-in or all-out kind of person. For years, I thought I had to earn fun and rest. I kept moving the goalpost, making balance feel impossible. But what I’ve learned is that balance isn’t something that just happens. It’s something we have to choose and create.

That’s exactly what The Stacking Balance Challenge is designed to help you do.

Let’s Do This Together!

You are 95% more likely to stick with something if you do it with others. Ninety-five percent! That’s why I don’t want you doing the Stacking Balance Challenge alone.

So, before we even dive into today’s first micro shift, I want you to think about who you can invite to do this challenge with you. Maybe it’s:
✔️ Your best friend
✔️ Your sister
✔️ Your book club
✔️ Your Bible study group
✔️ Your pickleball crew

Whoever it is, text them right now:
📩 Hey! I just started the 21-Day Stacking Balance Challenge, and I think you’d love it! Let’s do it together and keep each other accountable!

The more, the merrier—and the more likely we are to make these changes stick.

Your First Micro Shift: Turning Off Notifications

Did you know the average person checks their phone around 205 times per day, which equates to about once every 7 minutes during waking hours? That’s hours of lost time every day not only in picking up your phone for random notifications but also as you try to refocus!

So today’s shift? Turn off at least three app notifications.
📵 If you’re on an iPhone: Go to Settings > Notifications, scroll through, and turn off unnecessary alerts.
📵 If you’re on an Android: Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications, find your apps, and silence the ones you don’t need.

Feeling bold? Go even further—turn off all notifications except for what’s absolutely essential. Your future self (and your relationships!) will thank you.

Bonus! Get Your Free Challenge Resource Pack

I want to make the Stacking Balance Challenge as easy and impactful as possible for you. So, I’ve put together a free resource pack that includes:
✅ Daily prompts to keep you on track
✅ Bonus tips to make each shift easier
✅ A progress tracker
✅ A special assessment tool for the end of the challenge

You can grab it right now at Just enter your email, and it’ll be sent straight to your inbox.

Let’s Make Balance Happen!

The Stacking Balance Challenge is designed to help you feel more present, more focused, and more in control of your time. And the best part? It’s simple, doable, and we’re doing it together.

So let’s take the first step—invite someone to join you, turn off those notifications, and get ready for a life that feels better and lighter.

I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s do this!

After You Listen:

Grab the Free Resource Guide right here!

Other Episodes You’ll Love:

Ep 21: Helping Our Kids Balance The Busy

Ep 96: Navigating Phones and Social Media with Our Kids

Leah: Welcome to Balancing Busy Podcast. We’re about to do something I’ve never done before, and it’s going to take balancing the busy to a whole new level. I’m so excited about this. I’m Leah Remillet. If you’re new around here, I am so excited you’re here. It’s probably because somebody trusts you enough and believes in you enough to have invited you.

Leah: to be their accountability partner or part of their accountability pod. Here’s what this is. This is stacking balance. It is 21 micro shifts for lasting real actual results that help you to feel more focused, more present, just happier. And of course. And obviously, more balanced. So what’s going to happen?

Leah: Well, over the next 21 days, we are stacking small, powerful shifts. These are micro [00:01:00] actions. They’re going to take at the very most 15 minutes at the most, but most of the time, honestly, it’s going to be just a few minutes. Each one will help work on a different area of your life, but they’re all going to help you collectively feel more focused, more productive.

Leah: More purposeful and balanced. We don’t have to do this in a way that feels like we’re overhauling our entire life, which honestly, it doesn’t stick. We end up just burning out and abandoning.

Leah: Because let’s be honest, we don’t need more on our plates. I mean, this is balancing busy. You already feel like you have a lot. What we need is better. We need smarter ways to create space for what actually matters to us. Now, I want to start by telling you that balance is not my natural state. It’s.

Leah: Probably why I’m so obsessed with it. It’s why I have a podcast dedicated to balance and balancing the busyness because I’m not [00:02:00] naturally calm and I’m not naturally good at recognizing when I should stop and when I should go. I am definitely an all in or an all out kind of person. And for years and years.

Leah: I omitted fun, I omitted the things that create balance because I never allowed myself to have them unless I had accomplished X, Y, and Z, and then I kept moving the goal post further and further and back. I’ve joked for years that my whole goal over this last decade has been to install a dimmer switch in myself, because I’m either on or I’m off, and the goal has been the dimmer switch.

Leah: What I’ve come to learn and understand is that balance isn’t necessarily a natural state of being, especially for most of you who are with me and listening to this. We have to choose it and we have to create it. And that’s where I get really excited because the question becomes, Alright, well then how do we do that?[00:03:00] 

Leah: This Balance Challenge, it is aimed to help you create those micro changes so that you can see massive results. So, how are we going to do this? Well, it’s going to be over 21 days and I want you to do it with someone. Who is that person that you can be vulnerable with? That you can share with? That you trust to be in this with you?

Leah: Is it your best friend? Is it your sister? Is it your book club? Is it your Bible study group? Is it your pickleball party group? Who is it that you’re going to invite to do this with you? The more, the merrier. And here’s why. You are 95 percent more likely to stick with something if you do it with others.

Leah: 95%! Like, that is just mind blowing insane. No wonder we don’t do things because we don’t bring people in to do it with us. But that’s going to change here. You want balance. You want to feel happier. You want to have more focus, be more present, be more productive. You want those things. And if I said, okay, [00:04:00] it’s literally as simple as get somebody to do this with you and commit to a maximum of 15 minutes over the next 21 days.

Leah: I mean, why would we not do this? So that’s why I don’t want you doing this challenge solo. Before we even dive into today’s micro shift, I want to just thank you, whoever you are. Whether you’re the one who invited, or you’re the one who showed up because you got invited, and you’re that kind of person that’s like, you’re in, I’m in, let’s go!

Leah: Thank you for showing up. Thank you for supporting each other. Thank you for wanting more because you deserve it. You can have it and we are going to do this.

Leah: Okay, so if you’re at the point where you’re like All right, I know who I want to invite. Maybe it’s your Bible study. Maybe it is your bestie. Maybe it’s college roommates that you haven’t talked to in a while and you think it would be so fun to get to reconnect. Just send them a text right [00:05:00] now.

Leah: Literally say, Hey, I just started the Stacking Balance 21 Microchips for Lasting Results Challenge and I think you would love it. I don’t want to do it alone. Will you do it with me? Let’s do it together and keep each other accountable. That simple. There you go. There’s the text. Doing this together is going to make every single shift you make easier and honestly, just more fun.

Leah: So why wouldn’t we want to do it that way? Plus, hello, 95 percent better chance of making lasting, big, results happen. Now I have one more surprise for you and that is that I have a free resource pack to go along with these 21 days. I put this together because I wanted to just make everything easier. I wanted to have a few bonus tips for you.

Leah: I wanted to have all of the prompts right there that so that you can track your progress. And! an assessment tool that I’m going to give you for the very end, because I don’t know about you, but sometimes I do these kinds of things and I start getting sad the [00:06:00] closer I get to the end because I’m like, no, this feels so good.

Leah: Like I’m making so much progress. I don’t know what to do after this. I don’t want it to end. I got you. I totally relate. And so I have. All of this together, packaged up to make your results bigger and easier. So to grab it, you can grab it right now by just going to 21, the number, 21.

Leah: balancingbusy. com. So before you forget, just pause really quick. Put it into the internet right now. If you’re on your phone, go in, put it in, 21. balancingbusy. com. Download that, it’ll go straight to your email, so it’s sitting there waiting for you, and you’re going to be ready. Amazing. Okay. Today, we are starting with something simple, but life changing.

Leah: And I say that and I’m like, Ooh, is that too big of a word? But I actually don’t think it is. Because one of the things that we [00:07:00] all want, especially as women, especially when you are a partner or a wife, you are a mother, you are a friend, you have big dreams and ambitions in your career, in your business, in all of these things, we fundamentally understand that being present is going to make us better in every single one of those areas.

Leah: We get it, we know it, and yet there is a war going on for our attention. And very often. We are losing that war. So what is today’s challenge? It’s about notifications. Did you know that the average person is checking their phone 58 times a day? And you might be like, oh Leah, I’m way worse than that. Or maybe you feel like you’re better and maybe if you tracked you’d end up going, dang it, I’m right there.

Leah: More than half of those interruptions, they’re not even necessary. We’ve all done it, right? Like you look at your phone and you’re like, oh my gosh, it was There’s a dumb notification trying to get me to buy something that I don’t even want that how in the heck did I get this? [00:08:00] Right? We’ve all had it happen.

Leah: Every time that you hear that ping or the ding or the buzz or whatever it is, it’s your brain getting pulled away from whatever you were doing. And research is showing that it takes 23 minutes to fully regain focus after even one small distraction. Now think about that. If we’re multiplying, 58 times checking your phone, times 23 minutes to get back into whatever you were doing, fully focused.

Leah: Let’s even say you’re amazing and it doesn’t take you 23 minutes. It only takes you 10. Still, how much lost time is that, especially when the thing that you were doing, it actually really mattered. You were engaging with your kids or your spouse. You were working on that project that’s actually going to move the needle in your business.

Leah: You were doing something that was in alignment with your core values and then something pulls you away, right? Ding, ping, buzz, and it pulls you away. So, the goal today [00:09:00] is Turn off at least three apps and their notifications. Okay, so you’re going to go into notifications. You’re going to look for at least three apps on your phone to fully turn off.

Leah: If you’re an iPhone user, you’re going to go to settings, then notifications, scroll through your apps, pick the ones that you’re turning off. If you’re an Android user, you’re going to settings, then apps and notifications. And again, scroll through, pick the ones that you’re turning off. If you’re feeling bold, and I hope just in what we’ve talked about already, you are, you will turn off all notifications that are not absolutely essential.

Leah: Your future self is going to thank you and your relationships. That’s where you’re going to see. The most improvement and where you’re going to have the most gratitude over making this decision. So I personally try to keep. All notifications off of my phone [00:10:00] completely. There is almost nothing that is allowed to come through and notify me.

Leah: I do allow my calendar. So, you know, I need reminders. I don’t want to forget something important that I’m supposed to do. So I allow my calendar to notify me. I allow text messages. to come through, but they’re always on silent and not even with a buzz. I don’t need a buzz. I will check when I need to. I’m just so careful about what comes in and interrupts me because I’ve understood that I am easily distractible and every time they take me away, it does take me a little bit to get back in.

Leah: Or, it makes the person that I was just with feel like they maybe weren’t as important as I want them to realize they are so outside of my absolute essentials. All other notifications, they’re just off and it brings so much peace. It is unreal. So think of it kind of like decluttering your brain, [00:11:00] every notification.

Leah: It’s like a ping saying, Hey, look at me, look at me. Right. And by turning off these unnecessary notifications, you’re. You’re creating this mental space and you’re reclaiming control over your time and your focus. Essentially, you’re saying, you don’t get to decide where I put my focus. Okay. Like you being, you know, the, the marketer behind that app that really wants you to go buy something.

Leah: You’re reclaiming and taking control of your focus and your priorities. So this is just day one, but this one small shift, it could completely change your focus, your stress levels and how present you feel throughout the day. And remember, you’re doing this with your accountability pod. So text them right now and say, just finished day one of stacking balance notifications off you in.

Leah: Do this together and don’t forget to grab your free resource pack. This is going to help [00:12:00] this all just be easier, faster, keep you accountable. It’s going to help you. Stay in this and get the results. So 21. balancingbusy. com. It’s there to make this challenge even easier for you.

Leah: See you tomorrow for day two, where we’re actually going to talk about why sometimes the best thing you can do is quit. That’s right. Cannot wait to keep going with you. I am so excited. That you are here, that your people are here with you, and that we get to be in this together as women who are standing up for something different.

Leah: We want balance. We want to feel amazing in our lives, in our bodies, in our experience, and we’re doing this together. All right. I will see you tomorrow.




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