I positively love the idea of decorating with photography. I use to think it often looked tacky – but when done right, I’ve learned that it can make such a dramatic and fantastic addition to a home! Today, it’s all about inspiring with Design!! Oooh- it gets me giddy just thinking about the possibilities. Here are just a few fabulous ideas to inspire you for your own home and your clients.
(each link is for above image)
image from Dragonfly
I actually had a client show me this image from PB and ask me to duplicate it – it’s in process now.
Don’t you just want to start designing up something fabulous right this minute? I do! Show me what you’ve created and add to the inspiration!! Email your design creations to Go{4}Pro and let us all enjoy your art!
Hi Leah
I glad to see that you are a fan of decorating with photos, here are some links that maybe useful to your readers, especially those who are thinking of creating their own photo wall. The first one outlines 7 things to think about before creating a photowall
the other is for an “inspiration gallery” with examples of photowalls around the home
I hope that they are useful
Very cool. Thanks Ian!