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Tamara Lackey – Inspires in 2 minutes or less!

I love learning. No, seriously I LOVE to learn, so when I read a recent blog post talking about successful entrepreneurs and it said that one of the top 5 attributes of a successful entrepreneur is an unquenchable thirst to know more… I was like – oh yes – I am sooooo that successful entrepreneur that they’re talking about. I mean he might as well have just typed it out – yes leah, we mean y.o.u. !

I’m constantly reading, studying, observing. Everything around me has opportunities to teach me something. Hmm. Maybe now I’m making it obvious how little I really actually know? The fact is, that’s true! There are a thousand before me who know oodles and oodles more then I. They have accomplished what I’ve only started to dream about and I want to soak up all I can from them!

Tamara Lackey is one of those such photographers, who’s oodles and oodles astounds me to the highest degree! She’s brilliant. Not only as a photographer but as an entrepreneur, and that my friends is where true genius comes to play. You may be insanely gifted as a photographer and yet the only title you can consistently hold is as starving artist. I have met them, I’ve seen the starving artists and you know what? I’ve learned from their experiences as well! But when you find one, and truly there are so many more then just one who truly leaves you saying ‘W.O.W – They’ve got it going on!!’ Well it’s worth looking into what it is that has made the “on” so dang bright! Tamara Lackey could light up down town in a power outage!

So I was just on Tamara Lackey’s blog and saw this video clip and (not even joking) I learned something in the 2.5 minute promo clip and figured you probably would too! Oh if only I could afford all the other minutes! But I just spent $$$$’s for my amazing hubby’s first round of boards. ‘I love education, I love education, I love education’. Just keep chanting it!

So here is a little video clip and the link if you want to know more!
BTW – Right now I’m reading her new book (see below) and loving it! Totally Recommend it!


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