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Are you sending out a newsletter?

I just recently got signed up with Mad Mimi so that I can put out a monthly newsletter for all my clients!  I want my name and my work to stay in their heads and now they will receive a fun and creative reminder once a month! This is a screen shot of as much of my newsletter as would fit on the screen at once… 


Why did I go with mad mimi
Super technical answer – I’m a sucker for a red head! The real reason, I love how cute the napcp newsletter is and they go with mad mimi so I just clicked the link at the bottom and signed up. Wow. What great research skills I have. 

Anyone else worth looking into?
My other favorite newsletter is from Shoot Sac and they use Mail Chimp. From what I could tell there are two major companies that it seems most photographer’s use Mad Mimi and Mail Chimp
Mail Chimp is free as long as you have 0-500 subscribers and the next package is $30 a month from 501-2,500
Mad Mimi is free up to 100 subscribers / $8 per month up to 500 subs / $10 per month up to 1000 subs.
As you can see if you have 500 or more subscribers (or think you may) it will be cheaper with Mad Mimi in the long run.

What do you think so far? 
“2 Enthusiastic Thumbs Up!” – Leah of Go{4}Pro. Always wanted to see that in type! Seriously though, the newsletter was super easy to use and create. The functionality is great, it’s 100% customizable so your imagination is the limit. I did have one little hick-up when at the footer I put Portland, WA. (say wait Portland is NOT in Washington) and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. Sent an email to support and got a reply within about 5 minutes. So now I’m super impressed with the customer service as well! 
Didn’t love having to transfer all my email address and contacts into an excel spread sheet (they provide) but now realize it was the easiest way to do it… If I hadn’t already done it once on a word doc I’d have seen it their way from the start. 🙂 

Did they offer that template? 
No. It’s straight forward drag and drop. I created the embellishments in Photoshop, uploaded them as pictures and with the example of the 3 frame blocks – once I uploaded them I linked each image to the correct destination site. Watch the video on the home page of Mad Mimi to see what I mean. 

Leah, you are awesome, how can I thank you?
Are you questioning my fake Q/A page now? Well all the same, if you want to send some love back to me I just figured out that there’s a referral program so if you sign up via any of the links on this blog then something great will happen to me. Not sure what that great thing is, but great is always good! In case you didn’t see the link enough, HERE it is one more time. hee. hee. 

If you send out a newsletter we’d love for you to share a link in the comment box so we can all be inspired! 


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