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Sandy Puc’ 2010 Family Tour (it was awesome!)

I was way excited to be going to the Sandy Puc’ 2010 Family Tour last night! Really this was my first photography “thing” ever and I’ll admit I was nervous too! It’s always a bit intimidating to go somewhere all alone, right? My nerves seem to start with worrying over things like, what if I can’t figure out where to go and I never find the convention room or worse I walk into the wrong one and disrupt a nudist convention! I know it’s a little dramatic and hello, they do most likely have employees that speak English and I could probably ask but hey, stranger things have happened. Turns out, I spotted an employees right away and she directed me where to go, I did try to register with Kerby Vacuums first but that was quickly remedied. 
So there I was, one of the first 3 to arrive. My ticket suggested coming an hour early which was not necessary as the booths were not even set up yet. The booths were eventually manned and I walked around and found some VERY cool stuff I’m excited to try out!! Now it was time to get a seat. Everyone knew someone and was saving chairs for fellow photog friends. I found my lone seat and was content to just ride out the night and soak up the information. BUT to my delight and surprise I ended up scoring big and having two great gals sit by me. We started chatting and they are fan-flip’n-tastic, both have 5 year olds just like me and are just great people and they introduced me to more great people and it was just all around greatness… I have to give a little shout out, Maricar & Didi  you two made my night a blast! Thank you!!
So long and the short of it… The Sandy Puc’ 2010 Family Tour  is awesome. I learned a ton, Sam (Sandy) is amazing, no seriously and I made some awesome new friends that I can’t wait to play with! It was a great night! I’m inspired and raring to go this morning, what more could you ask for in a seminar? So check the tour and if they are stopping by your city I highly recommend that you go! 
It’s an 8 year (I think it’s 8 – correct me if I’m wrong) series. So if they already came to your city they will be back! It started with the Babies & Belly’s then Tots 2 Teens, this year is Family and next year is Wedding & Boudoir. 
Time to start going through my stack of cool samples and reading back over all my notes! If you have any questions about the seminar, feel free to ask questions in the comments and I’ll try to answer them. 


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