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i NEED to win! Amy Wenzel Workshop

There is a giveaway going on at I heart faces, and seriously I just HAVE to win. Has there ever been anything like that for you? Something you wanted to win so badly because you truly believed it could change you? The last thing I can remember was in 7th grade. We were having a magazine drive at school, if you sold so many magazines you got a ticket that could be worth up to $50. I wanted to win it so badly because they would announce your name over a microphone at lunch. It wasn’t the money, I just wanted to be noticed. I didn’t want to have to eat my lunch in the bathroom anymore because that was the better alternative to sitting completely alone. I said a prayer and told God that I would tithe the entire $50 if he would just let me win. I won. I was only noticed for that one day but as promised that Sunday I tithed it all.

Amy wants to know how I inspire others. This (Go{4}Pro) is it. This all started because of a single image. I saw real life in it and I fell in love. I knew I wanted to capture life just like that image had. Looking back I think I felt such a connection because that image was/is a perfect example of how I try to live my life… genuine. I had no idea how or where to start except that I should probably by a camera. I often felt very alone. I would scour the internet for anything I could find that might help me but that often felt very unfruitful. When I did find something I was quite literally overjoyed (often getting up to dance and shriek with excitement – oh yes, I’m that cool). I knew I wasn’t the only one chasing this dream, I hated feeling alone and so I started documenting my journey as I tried to go for pro. I remember laughing at myself for day dreaming that I could be the one to inspire someone else some day the way the greats inspire me.

Amy is THE GREAT for me! Her work, her style and her designs have always left me inspired (she is actually this Friday’s inspire me – I’ve been waiting for this one a long time) but when David her incredible husband was diagnosed with cancer last year their faith only inspired me more. From my computer screen I cried for them, prayed for them and hoped for them as I followed their journey from both of their blogs.

Amy Wenzel is my very most favorite child photographer! If I could pick any workshop in the world it would be hers so you can understand why I want this so badly! Add to that the ‘thats not all’ and this is my dream on steroids! I’m determined to exceed all expectations for how far I can take my dream and with that vision would come the privilege of inspiring even more people. I know that by attending this workshop I would truly further my career light speeds faster then I could on my own, and you all know how I love an opportunity! 

Dear Amy,
Thank you for offering such an opportunity to one very lucky soul! I know you have a wonderful spirit about you and so I know who ever you choose will be truly deserving. I want you to know that you have inspired me deeply. Not only because of your art but because of your heart. Thank you!  ~Leah

This is the genuine me. I hope I’ve inspired you. 



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