the blog

Let’s Celebrate the NEW Go4Pro SHOP!

If you thought I hadn’t noticed, oh – I had!! I was getting emails asking if I do logo designs, how to get the custom kit and trying to figure out how to pay… So it’s safe to say, it was a little confusing for you and well, we’re not about confusing here, we’re about clarifying! So I decided I’d better come up with a better way… Now you can find all the designs (for sale & free) in one easy place! Go4ProPhotosShop!

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while however time (oh how time and I are always butting heads!!) time was not allowing it BUT thanks to Kathy (aka: Mrs Soup) we were able to make it happen. Seriously I have the best readers, we really are here to help each other and I want you to know that I feel the help coming this way too. Through your comments, through encouraging emails, through offers to help and write guest posts and give ideas… Through your efforts to help me spread the word about Go4Pro!! I feel it! Kathy offered her help after ‘anonymous’ left the comment way back. What a blessing in disguise because that’s when (and why) she offered to start editing all my posts (she’s not editing this one – so if you see typos, you know why) and has been doing a fantastic job with no compensation at all ever since. From that offer a friendship has grown and it turns out that we both live in Portland, I’m so excited to tell you that she is now my new studio manager and the brains behind getting The Shop ready for it’s opening!

Oh, yes – this is there for you to grab and put up on your blog!
Here are the prizes…
Prize 1:
Your choice (Adi or Paysen) Ultimate Marketing Kit and The iPhone Template Collection
Prize 2:
The Ultimate Marketing Kit – ADI
Prize 3:
The Ultimate Marketing Kit – Paysen
Prize 4:
The iPhone Template Collection
Prize 5:
The Chic iPhone Templates
Prize 6:
The 21 North iPhone Templates
I hope you’re really excited, here’s how to win… It’s all about spreading some gossip! I want more photographers to know about the Go{4}Pro Blog so I’m asking you to spread the word! This is the week that I want to have 10,000 photographers come to Go{4}Pro! Do you think you can help me do it?
Note: Each thing that you do counts as one vote and so it needs to be it’s own separate comment in order to boost your chances of winning, it may have multiple steps so make sure you follow all of it. i.e. like us on facebook and update your status gets you one comment, next you tweet about us, so that’s another comment, etc.
Okay, here are your ways to win:
1. Become a fan of Go{4}ProPhotos on facebook, (I started it last night) AND you need to update your own status to say:
Hey photographers I’ve got gossip: @Go4ProPhotos is my daily dose of inspiration and they are having a HUGE giveaway right now… Go see!
2. Follow @Go4ProPhotos on Twitter AND update your status to say @Go4ProPhotos is my favorite blog for daily inspiration and they are having a huge giveaway for photographers this week!
3. The Forums! I really -super-appreciate when you share about Go{4}Pro on the photography forums! Share about The Blog Go{4}Pro (must link back to here) and why you like it along with letting them know about the giveaway. Here is the image code: [IMG][/IMG] to include the Orange Gossip Ad.
Leave a comment with a link to the thread. Comments will need to be verified. If it’s a private forum, I will try to contact an administrator of that forum to verify if you are the winner. You may share on multiple forums for more comments but please be respectful of the forums. If you see that someone else has already started a thread on the forum you were thinking of (and they linked and did it properly) just leave a comment on that thread with your experience and thoughts and then come back here and tell me who’s thread you commented on with the link.
There you have it, 3 different ways to win…
Good Luck!
Contest ends Thursday night at midnight, winner will be announced Friday morning.


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